Major Update (News rather) Friends ...... After almost 5 years of using DS413j, 24x7 (well almost 24x7, except few hours of rest every couple of days), My NAS threw a HDD consistency error and reported 3 bad sectors on Disk 1. Even though everything was working synology was suggesting that before the volume gets totally degraded, its better to replace the disk, and since I was kind of already running short of space, I thought to replace my 1 TB disk with a 2 TB new disk. Plus I thought its high time I do a cleaning as well.
Now news is, even though my room is pretty clean, cleaning and dusting happening every day, I was blown apart and got the shock of my life when I opened the box, and saw gazillion amount of dust in it. Like seriously, I could not see the mother board dumped under the dust...

I though yes maybe there would be some dust and I already was thinking on the lines of a through clean up, but this was highly unexpected. God's grace was there, that the device was working perfectly, in that adverse situation...
Well I had to rip apart the device piece by piece, and had to clean it up thoroughly, before I could assemble it back with the new drive. Which I did. Just to give you a comparison what I am talking about below are two snaps of before the box was cleaned and after the box was cleaned.
My strong advice is , Guys clean your NAS, once in 6 months I would say, dont be under the impression as I was that since my room is pretty clean and enclosed, dust will not settle on the inner parts of the NAS. I was lucky I guess that the device was still working (and I guess kudos to Synology as well for a Robust machine), else dust and moisture are the first two things that kills a computer. (or any electronic device for that matter).
Few of more image of my ripped apart NAS.
Good thing is I was able to clean and assemble it back with the new drive and, currently consistency check is going on, thats going to take another 4-5 hours, but good thing is even though slow I can still access my data.
Anyway thought to update the FMs here ....
moral of the post""Clean your NAS evey 6 months""...
