500 WPC+ Power amp


Active Member
May 28, 2008
Hi everyone,

I've been scouting around for high quality power amps to power my Magnepans for a while (I'm currently using an old Sansui integrated which is very good quality and extremely musical, but can't keep up with the low efficiency Maggies). I currently have MMGs, but will probably upgrade soon.
I was therefore planning to buy a fairly powerful power amp which would be useful even in the future. I looked at the Emotivas, which seemed to be very VFM, but shipping seems to be fairly prohibitive for those. Are there any alternatives I can look at in the domestic which won't cost me a kidney? Do any of the better known local manufacturers (Lyrita equivalent, although that's the diametric opposite in terms of the aim of the amplifier!) make brute force power amps?
These would need to be stable into 4 ohm loads, and high current/high damping factor.
Don't know what is your budget but you can try to get hold of a pre-used amp. AFAIK, Maggies are difficult to drive and the likes of Lyrita would be a mis-match.
Odyssey stratos extreme monoblocks.The bridged monoblocks can deliver all the grunt you need. Very musical too. ARN systems can get them for you.
Thanks, buys.
@captrajesh, I used Lyrita only as an example of the quality levels I was looking at..i.e. Sonodyne wouldn't work :)

A Maggie with SETs..I doubt you would even hear a whisper!

Any idea what the Odysseys cost? My budget is reasonably flexible.

Also, just had a look at ARN's website..the Stratos seems to be only 150 wpc or so.
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Hi everyone,

Are there any alternatives I can look at in the domestic which won't cost me a kidney? Do any of the better known local manufacturers (Lyrita equivalent, although that's the diametric opposite in terms of the aim of the amplifier!) make brute force power amps?
These would need to be stable into 4 ohm loads, and high current/high damping factor.
you could check out this ..
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Each monoblock will output upwards of 300watts. Plenty of drive due to the design. There are folks who use them to drive some very difficult to drive theils.

Each monoblock maybe upwards of 80k. Not sure about the pricing.
here's a list of high-powered power amps, mostly cost-no-objects:

1. Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII, monoblocks, 500Wpc
2. Bryston 28B-SST, monoblocks, 1000W
3. Krell Evolution 600 monoblocks, 600W
4. mbl Reference, monoblocks, 440W (near enough to 500W:))
5. Musical Fidelity 750K Supercharger, monoblocks, 750W
6. Musical Fidelity Titan, dual mono, two chassis, 1kW
7. Parasound JC 1, monoblock, 400W
8. VTL S-400 Reference, tube, 300W
9. VTL-MB-450, Series II Signature monoblock, tube, 350W
10. Bryston 7B SST2, monoblock, 600W
11. Bryston 4B-SST, 350W
12. Halcro Logic MC20, 400W in 4 ohms
13. Musical Fidelity 550K Supercharger, monoblocks, 550W

Needless to say, I have not heard any of them:) nor know of availability in India. Also, AFAIK, power ratings are into 8 ohm load, unless otherwise mentioned.
Hi everyone,

I've been scouting around for high quality power amps to power my Magnepans for a while (I'm currently using an old Sansui integrated which is very good quality and extremely musical, but can't keep up with the low efficiency Maggies). I currently have MMGs, but will probably upgrade soon.
I was therefore planning to buy a fairly powerful power amp which would be useful even in the future. I looked at the Emotivas, which seemed to be very VFM, but shipping seems to be fairly prohibitive for those. Are there any alternatives I can look at in the domestic which won't cost me a kidney? Do any of the better known local manufacturers (Lyrita equivalent, although that's the diametric opposite in terms of the aim of the amplifier!) make brute force power amps?
These would need to be stable into 4 ohm loads, and high current/high damping factor.

Not only you need brute force, you also need musical amps to bring the best out of the maggies. Some of the best ones to drive (stereo or monoblocks) are Parasound, Adcoms, Bryston, BAT, Wyred 4 sound. While emo is a great VFM, they are not as musical as the ones above in my opinion.
hi,whats ur current sansui amp and its power ratings?generally vintage sansui easily drives difficult loads easily.

Maggies are different beasts when it comes to amplifiers. Not only they need high current drives, they also need higher damping factors for the panels to get the best out of them. I doubt the sansui would be doing an adequate job.
here's a list of high-powered power amps, mostly cost-no-objects:

1. Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII, monoblocks, 500Wpc
2. Bryston 28B-SST, monoblocks, 1000W
3. Krell Evolution 600 monoblocks, 600W
4. mbl Reference, monoblocks, 440W (near enough to 500W:))
5. Musical Fidelity 750K Supercharger, monoblocks, 750W
6. Musical Fidelity Titan, dual mono, two chassis, 1kW
7. Parasound JC 1, monoblock, 400W
8. VTL S-400 Reference, tube, 300W
9. VTL-MB-450, Series II Signature monoblock, tube, 350W
10. Bryston 7B SST2, monoblock, 600W
11. Bryston 4B-SST, 350W
12. Halcro Logic MC20, 400W in 4 ohms
13. Musical Fidelity 550K Supercharger, monoblocks, 550W

Needless to say, I have not heard any of them:) nor know of availability in India. Also, AFAIK, power ratings are into 8 ohm load, unless otherwise mentioned.

I'll take one of each:)
While emo is a great VFM, they are not as musical as the ones above in my opinion.
Hey, that is quite a statement. Could you substantiate? I'm assuming you have listened to Emo amp. Which one is that. Have you done a A-B comparison with any of the amps you have mentioned? What were the associated equipment?

No offenses mate just a poser with a view to gain some insight as Emo products are highly praised over the net.
I have a Sansui AU517..it drives the 4 ohm load reasonably well, and sounds good at lower volumes, to be honest. It's just that it runs out of steam at higher volumes.

I already knew about the cost-no-object amps, but sadly, it IS an object!

I keep hearing the Emotiva unmusical thing, but haven't seen any pro reviews that say the same, somehow. I'm wondering if I should save some money and just get the Emo.:)
Abhijit, you could also consider the Nu Force Mono Blocs...I heard them with the Maggies 1.6 at A2V and they were driving them effortlessly and sounding good.....they are compact and can easily drive the Maggies....if cost is a consideration then you could look at the Nu Force integrated 9 V2....

BTW are you based in Delhi and if yes you could ask members to bring the different amps for you to test and for them to enjoy the Maggies...
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