As far as I ve remembered Top 10 things off the top of my head!!
1 Jamie & the magic torch
2. Star trek with Capt James T Kirk & Spok (Was too young to remmebr the details but so annoyed that cartoons wouldnt play for long)
2. Classic Tom n Jerry series flown in from Manilla by an uncle..Kudos : Scott Bradley and Fred Quimby
3. Memory of our first 2 transformer toys used and misused probably a Starscream and Optimus prime.
4. Summer would start with Lemonade preparation in large quantities along with Goodies from Grannies from both sifdes. 1 or 2 Movie cassettes rented from the local AV library (they were called so) and reruns of T&J over and over again
5 1or 2 Comic of Archies every day in summer Vacations.. in late 80s
6. Galli cricket(cricket payed in our lanes ) & Cycling or racing around in lanes (Not many Cars and Bikes in a town that I spent about 6 yrs)
7. Street Hawk ofcourse and also Knight rider along with GI Joe I think in late 80s, remember Donahue used to compete with Oprah then.. in early 90s even
8. Remember getting on to the terrace quite frequently after every heavy gust of wind every couple of months. and especially in monsoons.. and as some 1 had pointed out.. screaming downstairs to check the signal quality
9. For summer vacations 1 month visiting cousins and family friends at least
10. O yeah Fighting for the TVs remote control with the brother... course several times my mom or pops used to snatch the RC away and hurl it to the wall.. (Probably thats how I started learning to fix things and not only destroy em..

In some discussion me and couple of friends concluded that in India at least We the Generations of 70s and 80s would probably have the longest mortality if you consider how healthy we were with loads of Physical activities and reasonably low pollution
