A complete system overhaul

So are you running it via a 240 VAC to 110 VAC Transformer ?

Or does the amp have jumpers for 240 VAC operation ?
Will be running it with a transformer for now, and later when I visit Mumbai, will get my technician to connect the jumpers for 240V operation.
Finally had a small session with the new 300b SET amp. The amp shows promise.

The sound signature is everything I was hoping for, like the best of both worlds of Accuphase and Nagra (my two ex-es). The colour, warmth and vintage musicality of Accuphase and the clear, crystalline transparency with a nice midrange of Nagra 300b amp.

As the new Shindo ICs burn in and I tune the speaker positions, I hope it will only get better.
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!