A few queries and need suggestions on a upscaling DVDP


Active Member
Apr 2, 2009
Hyd, India

I have the following setup (1 to 2yrs old) and have a few queries. Thanks for your time and help.

* Samsung LCD LA32R7 - HD Ready - 2 years old, optimal resolution 720p, max resolution 1080i.
* Onkyo TX-SR-504 AVR (US version)
* Onkyo - HTP240 6.1 speakers
* Philips 3266 DVD player (DVDP)

The connections are:
STB -> TV --- Component 1 and L+R (Bandridge cable)
TV -> AVR --- L+R (from TV audio out) (Panasonic cable)
AVR -> TV --- Currently none
DVDP -> TV --- Component 2 (Panasonic cable)
DVDP -> AVR --- Coaxial (Bandridge cable)

Any suggestions on improving the current audio setup or getting the best out of it? My usage is 90% movies and 10% music (mainly Indian) and prefer a clean sound at all levels. Ready to spend 0 to 25k on improvements.

My queries:
a) I have enabled progressive scan on the DVDP, but not sure how to check if it is working. Do I need to check on the TV or the DVDP? Where do I check it?
b) I am assuming that my DVDP prg. scan will output 480p or 576p? Is this correct?
c) If a DVDP is setup with Prg. Scan enabled, are all DVDs played in that DVDP are output in Prg. Scan mode or only some of them? Isn't this a function of the DVDP and independent of the DVDs?
d) What is the max that a component connection will support (in terms of 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p etc) or do we need a HDMI cable to take advantage of even Prg Scan too?

I gather that I should have had an upscaling DVP by now to get the best Video experience out of my TV and am am looking for one such DVDP. The Pio 610 is what I wanted to buy, but my TV wall unit cabinets are only 15.5 inches wide and the Pio 610 doesn't fit there. :sad: :mad: :o I have looked at the specs of CA-99, Oppo 983, Philips 5996, LG 388 etc, all of them are 17''+ wide :mad: :o.

d) Any suggestions on a decent (12" to 14" wide) HD upscaling DVP with all the bells and whistles? Don't know why all of them are made so much wider!!!
e) I am assuming all HD upscaling DVPs have an option to set the output at 720p/1080p. Please confirm.
f) I would like to go with 720p resolution only on the HD DVP (once I buy one) which is the optimal resolution for my LCD TV. Is this the right thing to do?

Thanks for your help once again.

a) I have enabled progressive scan on the DVDP, but not sure how to check if it is working. Do I need to check on the TV or the DVDP? Where do I check it?

This should be indicated somewhere within the menus of your DVDP, it shouldn't be hard to find..fiddle around

b) I am assuming that my DVDP prg. scan will output 480p or 576p? Is this correct?

Yes, this is correct, 480p for NTSC, 576p for PAL

c) If a DVDP is setup with Prg. Scan enabled, are all DVDs played in that DVDP are output in Prg. Scan mode or only some of them? Isn't this a function of the DVDP and independent of the DVDs?

All DVDs will be played in progressive scan.

d) What is the max that a component connection will support (in terms of 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p etc) or do we need a HDMI cable to take advantage of even Prg Scan too?

component cables can transmit 720p and 1080i signals, but i've heard that HDMI gives superior images, particularly with upscaling (not sure how authentic this is). HDMI is not necessary for progressive scanning.

d) Any suggestions on a decent (12" to 14" wide) HD upscaling DVP with all the bells and whistles? Don't know why all of them are made so much wider!!!

Junk your TV stand and get a new one, don't pick a DVD player because your TV stand is small. Considering your TV, the cambridge audio DVD89 should be a good option, very good video reproduction and excellent audio CD reproduction. COsts under 10k. You can get the DVD99 for 12.5-13k for which you will get 1080p (which is pointless for you) and the ability to read USB drives (including external hard drives). If you can afford to spend more, get an Oppo 980.

e) I am assuming all HD upscaling DVPs have an option to set the output at 720p/1080p. Please confirm.

Yes, logically they should

f) I would like to go with 720p resolution only on the HD DVP (once I buy one) which is the optimal resolution for my LCD TV. Is this the right thing to do?

Try it out. See which one looks best, but ya i suspect 720p will look best, i have an HD Ready plasma TV and a 1080p upscaling DVD player, 720p looks the best on mine.
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Psychotropic - many thanks for the clarifications.

<<<<< d) Any suggestions on a decent (12" to 14" wide) HD upscaling DVP with all the bells and whistles? Don't know why all of them are made so much wider!!!
Junk your TV stand and get a new one, don't pick a DVD player because your TV stand is small. >>>>>

I do agree with your view. But, unfortunately, my wall unit is custom built and I can't really junk it, though I am still trying to get one of the vertical plank cut off by the carpenter. If this could be done, I will go for Pio or CA DVDP. Will consider Oppo when I upgrade to HD TV down the years.

Request experts to please comment on this also:
<<<<< Any suggestions on improving the current audio setup or getting the best out of it? My usage is 90% movies and 10% music (mainly Indian) and prefer a clean sound at all levels. Ready to spend 0 to 25k on improvements. >>>>>

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