This is so lovely inside. Is that rust on the magnet? If so can you wipe the rust off with a cloth damped very lightly with silicone oil? Also the screws look oxidized. Just wipe it and coat it with nail polish so that they don't oxidize further.Have had these Spendors Ls3/5a 11 ohms (late 80s) for about 6 months or so. Opening them up was a heart in mouth situation with the fear I might mess something up. Curiosity got the better and I am happy I got a peak.
The lycra that holds up the cloth (tygan) grill is a bia#*? to remove and then the wood screws come off but the front panel still needs to be pried off.. very happy all checked out ok inside.
No particular reason...just sharing photos..thanks for looking..
Just can't help admiring the length things in the long past took pains to make things of such beauty that would last forever.