A King was crowned today! - Review of the JBL 4343 and co.

Great write up, audiopro, and a gorgeous system, prem!
From my limited experience, I’m well aware that a flea powered set amp coupled with sensitive speakers translate to audio nirvana.
When you get the time, please shed some light on the amp, too.
Yes this is not only well written but offers practical step by step advice, including the mandatory 2 shots :), that can be directly applied by enthusiasts at every level. Readers may be reluctant to pull the speakers out in front, particularly having been brought up on the belief that speakers close to the wall or corner produce better bass. Based on my own experience, please try pulling them out and you may hear magic. At least one third, if not Prem's method.
As promised by audiopro, you will surely see significant improvement.
While the recommendation to keep room treatment aside remains, I would only suggest, based on my limited experience, to pay special attention to avoid glass windows in front and on side walls, centre table
and false ceiling, if any. And do not position the listening chair close to the rear wall.
Others, please contribute.
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Yes this is not only well written but offers practical step by step advice, including the mandatory 2 shots :), that can be directly applied by enthusiasts at every level. Readers may be reluctant to pull the speakers out in front, particularly having been brought up on the belief that speakers close to the wall or corner produce better bass. Based on my own experience, please try pulling them out and you may hear magic. At least one third, if not Prem's method.
As promised by audiopro, you will surely see significant improvement.
While the recommendation to keep room treatment aside remains, I would only suggest, based on my limited experience, to pay special attention to avoid glass windows in front and on side walls, centre table
and false ceiling, if any. And do not position the listening chair close to the rear wall.
Others, please contribute.

What differences did you see? Did you feel you were going closer to the definition of level 3 where music flowed and one stopped dissecting the sound? I can assure you that if setup properly using Prem's formula majority of systems will hit level 3. My audio note speakers are designed for corner loading. If you pull them even 15 inches away, they loose their balance and sound leaner but if I pull them out to 20.8 inches which is approx 1/7 my small room and space them 1/3 apart they lock in and they hit level 3. The audio note is supposed to have extreme toe in which is needed if you corner load them. But using this formula I almost have them firing straight ahead with VERY minor toe in and they still lock on. Music just flows.
Yes, the balance and warmth are reduced because the speaker is not designed for this placement, but once the room and speaker are in sync music WILL flow. I hope that we all hit this level of performance and truly enjoy our systems rather than buying audiophile grade upgrades only to move onto another one within a few months. If a few of you'll succeed please share this so more people can benefit.
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Fiftyfifty, i have a false ceiling and full French windows behind my speakers :)

For false ceiling, drill a 5 mm hole in the centre so that there is free circulation of air. That way the negative effects of a false ceiling are reduced dramatically.

In my quarter wave method, effects of glass window behind the speakers is negated. Alternatively you can use wooden slats as a curtain
Great writeup and listening impression once again.

It will be interesting for me to note if the current speaker position also agree with the GR logic. Can you confirm Prem if possible? FM reading the post will find it beneficial to work with some base math, as tuning only by ear could be taxing, specially if you are doing that all alone
Hari, what do you want me to confirm? I have already provided the formulas in one of the posts. The final position has to be done by listening

For me the golden ratio logic has never worked at whatever speakers I have tried to set up. At least with the speakers I tried, the room resonances didn’t disappear when using GR measurements.
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Ok Prem, if you can let me know the following,

- distance of left and right speaker center from the side walls.
- total width of the room ( wall to wall)
- distance of the speaker front side from the front wall and rear wall.
- total length of the room.(wall to wall)

I shall put these values in excel and share if it's GR.
Hari my side wall to side wall is 11 feet. Distance between the insides of the speakers is 11/3 feet. Here you don’t measure from centre to centre.

My speaker from front wall is based on quarter wave formula. Distance calculated is based on 50 hz frequency. When using Rethm, since I had powered bass, I operated at 45 hz cut off. Based on that I calculated distances.

Cardas GR principle is different from this. You can apply my formula to your room and compare with GR values.

When using quarter wave principle, irrespective of length of room, the distance of front wall from speaker will always be the same for a particular frequency. For example for 50 hz, it will always be 94 inches.
Thanks Prem for the specific values. Will check out if these work in my setup but can see challenges moving around in my room.

Currently my speakers are placed for a -3 dB cutoff of 66 Hz which is close to the OB -3 dB roll-off off.
I don't think 1/3 placement will work in my room, but can try the 1/5 and 1/7 option.
Id suggest not to go by the 1/3 but the quarter wave formula which prem had suggested.
I used to place speakers as per the 1/5th from rear wall for a very long time but now simply cannot go back to it as the speakers now completely disappear and the depth in music is far superior other than the richer bass. Just mark the position on the ground and move it there only for listening sessions.
Distance between the insides of the speakers is 11/3 feet. Here you don’t measure from centre to centre.
Why the inside of the speakers? Usually advice for measurements is from the centre of the cone.

Also if it is not possible to use the quarter wave rule, what is the next best thing?
Naturelover, use one third principle for distance from front wall. Here one third is measured from front baffle to wall
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