Hello All,
I've been a regular visitor to HFV for years and have learnt a lot from the diverse forums here.
Signed up a few months ago and it's only fair I introduce myself.
My dad planted the music seed when I was a kid - probably even before I learnt how to walk! I have fond memories of him recording and playing music on his R2R player all day long (I've still got that player with me, non-functional but that's for another post

Then there are vivid memories of his Telefunken LP player, back lit VU meters on the tape deck, his carefully curated LP collection and a large number of cassettes.
In short, music indoctrination started in my infancy
My first piece of audio equipment was a beat up, hand-me-down Sony Walkman I got from my eldest sister. From then on pocket money and piggy bank money would go into buying audio cassettes. I still remember my first cassette was the Dire Straits debut album!
Got my first job in 99' and could finally afford CDs (they were bloody expensive back then) and a modest Philips "micro hi-fi" system. My first CD was again Dire Straits the first

Always spending on equipment at the limit of my means, I moved from the shrill sounding micro system to a slighter louder Sony hi-fi system that had a 3-disc changer - remember the PMPO wars back then?! A sucker for all the hype
In the early 2000s I took a DVD and subsequently Blu-Ray HT detour. From basic DVD players ( still expensive back then) to the first Philips Ambisound soundbar, which was my pride and joy, to my current Sony UBP-X800 Blu-ray player, movie watching has remained an occasional diversion from music.
Started out with a modest Denon AVR and Polk bookshelves, gradually added a sub, center and surround speakers. All the while my dad's vinyl collection was calling out to me from deep storage. Saved up and finally dived headlong into the vinyl rabbit hole with a Rega RP1 around 2008 and have been gradually collecting vinyl ever since.
The denon + polk combination was good for movie watching, but underwhelmed with music. So I started auditioning dedicated stereo setups and saving up moolah again! Took me almost 2 years to find what I liked and could afford. I've always found music to be an extension of my emotions, so less logic and more "feel" went into my current rig. The combination moved me and that was enough.
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- Rega Planar 3 with Ania MC cart + Rega MC Phono
- Rega Brio stereo Amp
- Triangle Elara LN07 speakers
- Cambridge Audio DAC magic plus for CD playback
- The Denon x1400h in this picture is used only when I'm watching movies, which is very infrequent off late.
- Pioneer and Sony Blu-ray players stacked.
- Polk sub in the corner again hardly ever used nowadays
- (not in the picture) Polk tsi200 bookshelf speakers being used as surrounds
I'm glad to be on HFV! Although I signed up very recently, I've come here frequently over the years to learn about all things AV and remain ever eager to learn from the gurus out here.