A Speaker Zoo !


Active Member
Nov 6, 2011

A few days ago I spent a day in Hong Kong. While strolling through Mong Tok area of Kowloon came across a building which housed many AV shops. Had a short visit to one of them and was amazed to see the collection of the number of Brands and the number of Speakers available for audition.


You can see a fairly small area housing a great number of Speakers. The wiring was done to enable quick change from one speaker to another.


I listened to Sonus Faber Monitor and Auditor Speakers.


Generally the prices were about 10-15% less than our country. I would say rather high for a place with no local sales Tax.

Generally the prices were about 10-15% less than our country. I would say rather high for a place with no local sales Tax.

Who cares??
The biggest problem here is not able to demo. Thats leads to frequent speaker change leading to MUCH MORE money spent.

It should have been a orgasmic experience!!
WOW - Would be really awesome to have a shop like this in each Indian Metro for a start would make things easier for audio video enthusiasts
Who cares??
The biggest problem here is not able to demo. Thats leads to frequent speaker change leading to MUCH MORE money spent.


I agree. The problem on the other hand is only a small fraction of the population seems to be interested in Hifi, making it difficult to support such a scale.

WOW - Would be really awesome to have a shop like this in each Indian Metro for a start would make things easier for audio video enthusiasts


There was at least one shop on each of the four floors carrying many exotic brands.

Who cares??
The biggest problem here is not able to demo. Thats leads to frequent speaker change leading to MUCH MORE money spent.

It should have been a orgasmic experience!!

Wondering :eek: what was being played on the speakers :D
What about starting an such an audition Room where all brand available and will be charged Rs. 1% cost of equipment for an hour of audition. Do not know how many audiophile willing to pay.

Buying and stocking such large number of equipments are not feasible as number of sales per day is limited in our country.
Not fair....Like any other business, it is essential that samples/auditioning of the actual product is part of the overall business expenditure.....It is upto the audio businessmen to stock samples and allow people to audition if they want sales else they will go somewhere else or source the same from somewhere else....

I myself spend almost a lakh on just samples to show clients hoping to get business from them.... So whether they like it or not, the audio dealers have to provide auditions otherwise people will source stuff from elsewhere and that too cheaper....

What about starting an such an audition Room where all brand available and will be charged Rs. 1% cost of equipment for an hour of audition. Do not know how many audiophile willing to pay.

Buying and stocking such large number of equipments are not feasible as number of sales per day is limited in our country.
Not fair....Like any other business, it is essential that samples/auditioning of the actual product is part of the overall business expenditure.....It is upto the audio businessmen to stock samples and allow people to audition if they want sales else they will go somewhere else or source the same from somewhere else....

I myself spend almost a lakh on just samples to show clients hoping to get business from them.... So whether they like it or not, the audio dealers have to provide auditions otherwise people will source stuff from elsewhere and that too cheaper....

I still say it is not worth stocking costly audio gear where number of genuine customers are less.
Why ? because a common question from audiophile including me is,

I have short-listed A,B,C brands and planning to procure the one of my likings from US or without B&W. But where I can audition?
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