Arjun, with such a keen ear, I'm sure your own choice of components is moving forward in a similar direction!This is more of "A Friday" but spent a solid 4 hours today listening to prems system
In summary , the system grabs you by the ears and bewilders you with music which you may have heard 100s of times but with a presentation I have never heard before. Very difficult to put into words .
All of the above and more with such a touch or realism to the voice where one can really feel the emotion in the voice right from Lata to Kishore to Clapton.
- The micro and macro dynamics where a whisper is soft but clear and a kick drum hits you in the stomach
- You can feel the tension in the air due to a pulled string instrument or a flute
- A deep organic and richly articulated bass
- The smallest of background sounds one has never paid attention to suddenly becomes an important part of the fabric .you actually start paying attention to the background singers skill..something I tend to ignore
- The sound is equally good anywhere in the room, just a change in tonality and the music plays big with a soundstage depth which is uncanny
I have never before heard a system even in prems own house which can get the combination of resolution as well as musicality right to this extent!
On a lighter note , I would not wish to have such a system since after that I doubt if i would be able to listen to any system after that
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