Acquired a Technics SP10 - need suggestions

Friends, would like more advice and suggestions for a plinth as well.
Should I go for a new one? If so, what? Birch ply? Slate? Something else? What would they cost?
The SME 3009 improved was designed to work with the low compliance cartridges that were popular back in the day.
Use it with a Shure V15/III or ADC XLM and you will see what it is capable of.

SME 3009 improved were designed for high compliance cartridges.
I've got a AudioMods series V arm with a DL103R on it. It is based on the Rega geometry and is versatile in that it can be used with a variety of carts. The arm has received several awards and been reviewed by SixMoons. The guy, Jeff Spall is nice to deal with and can address any questions you have. And the arm looks gorgeous. Audiomods tonearms and tonearm kits
Friends, would like more advice and suggestions for a plinth as well.
Should I go for a new one? If so, what? Birch ply? Slate? Something else? What would they cost?

The birch ply would be the best among plywood but it's availability is not known. I have used the best quality plywood available in the market. I recently made 3 plinths using different materials like plywood, MDF and wood. The results are very good.
Friends, would like more advice and suggestions for a plinth as well.
Should I go for a new one? If so, what? Birch ply? Slate? Something else? What would they cost?

Birch plywood should be available in your city if you ask around. Retailers may not stock it but it is more than likely they'll be able to procure it for you.

Polished slate is probably rarer than Baltic Birch plywood. Also, do consider where you will get slate cut even if you do find it. Water jet is the preferred method for cutting slate, though CNC machines can also do it provided the slate is sufficiently thick so as not to break during machining.

A solid 40 to 50 mm thick slate plinth would be hard to beat for performance (think Oswaldmill Audio plinth). Alternately, a composite of plywood and slate would also be a stonker. But the most practical would probably be a multi layered plywood plinth, nicely veneered and polished (think Artisan Fidelity plinth).
Birch ply? Slate? Something else? What would they cost?

Birch plywood inch thick is typically Rs 150 per sq ft. You can haggle and get fairly good discount. I've seen as low as Rs 110 plus taxes.

Polished slate, 12 mm (1/2 inch) thick would be about twice as much as above (at least at the one stone shop in Mumbai which sold them). " slabs were available too but you have to buy the whole slab (which was about 6' x 9').

For kind info.
I am also looking for an arm and plinth for my Lenco. If you are interested we can talk to Raghu about making us his arm. If a couple more join in it could be worth his time?
Birch plywood inch thick is typically Rs 150 per sq ft. You can haggle and get fairly good discount. I've seen as low as Rs 110 plus taxes.

Polished slate, 12 mm (1/2 inch) thick would be about twice as much as above (at least at the one stone shop in Mumbai which sold them). " slabs were available too but you have to buy the whole slab (which was about 6' x 9').

For kind info.

jls001, it's said that the slate slabs are not suitable for all the TTs and will have the adverse effect on many TTs. And it's tough to say which brand and which model is aptly suitable. Thanks.
jls001, it's said that the slate slabs are not suitable for all the TTs and will have the adverse effect on many TTs. And it's tough to say which brand and which model is aptly suitable. Thanks.

Slate is dense and also has good damping property, hence it is useful in applications where mass loading and damping are desired. It's certainly not suitable for all types of TTs.
The SP10 Mk2 by itself is built so well and comes as an enclosed unit, not as a chassis. The turntable was originally designed for use in any environment. I have tried box plinths, a frame-lime plinth and am currently used a 5-layer ply plinth. I could not tell the difference between these.
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