Advice Needed for a 40 inch TV URGENT !!!

Frnds, I don't want to commit my earlier mistake by walking in showroom and picking up the wrong TV for me (talking abt 32lk450- bad viewing angles).

now I need 1 more TV for my bedroom and I will be purchasing it withing 4-5 days, will request you to kindly pour in your advice, I had the following models in my mind:

Toshiba PS20 led
Toshiba PB20 lcd

Samsung 43e490 ( was not impressed due to dull picture quality and reflection)

I had also auditioned a philips LED TV 42PFL??? for abt 49k at reliance digital and was very much impressed by its picture quality.

Please help

Dull Picture quality is due to high reflection. Dim the light and then compare...
well I guess I should have made it more clear.. ... your perception is more in terms of media and movie use. my perceptions are more inclined towards PC use, which consists if games, media and text as well . viewing distance will be 5 ft.

finally ..... money matters a lot.
well I guess I should have made it more clear.. ... your perception is more in terms of media and movie use. my perceptions are more inclined towards PC use, which consists if games, media and text as well . viewing distance will be 5 ft.

finally ..... money matters a lot.
PC/Games will have more static content than TV transmission. Hence there is a greater chance of image retention. Though LCD panel is also prone to IR issues, it is less apparent because of the backlight technology. Hence you should go with LED.
I sent back an led after using it for a week. even after tuning advanced settings and turning down brightness, it exhibited significant glare and gave me headaches. all the Led 's in showroom had similar issues so I guess that's not a piece fault. by the way that's my preference . my use is in a dark area (basement ) and I couldn't lower the brightness good enough. led maybe good but they don't for well for my scenario.
Hmmm. You are a very difficult customer. :) (just kidding)

In dark area, in a basement with low light, any LED will be extremely bright. Plasma is more suitable in this case. But you also said 5 feet viewing distance. This is too close even for 42". For 42", the recommended minimum distance is 7 feet.

You could look at Samsung 42ST50 which is a full HD plasma and will drain your bank account to the tune of 85k ( 2000). But even with a plasma, you should have some low ambient light. Pitch dark is not recommended.

The other option could be a projector. What is your basement size? A fullHD projector will be 1.5 lakhs minimum and you will also need a screen which will be a minimum of 6,000 for the basic pull-down and self-lock. Projector will be good for image size of up to 110" and will require a wall width of 10 feet at the minimum (screen will be 8' x 4.5'). Viewing distance should be 2 times the width of the actual projected image.
plasmas are sinking ship I'm afraid. the problem with high power and life aside , they are loosing on the resolution front. most plasmas have some odd resolution like 1024x 600......and that's for a 50 inch set. ... my Samsung note (I'm using to write this ) has a 1280x 800 screen for 5.3 inch ...... makes me think .................:-):(:-) ???

let alone games, full HD shall allow me to have better txt and navigation around windows. I have an 19 inch half HD screen. .... and thats the largest screen any sane eyes will tolerate at half HD. ..:(

sinking ship...not lauached 100 inch 4k2k plasmas last to last europe and us plasmaas are considered for best picture.sadly in india,due to improper marketing and different mindset plasmas are not blue eyed.
high power..yes higher power.but on a real time basis you should calculate the units before any final judgement.may be 40 Rs more max

and this pixel marketing,semi hd,full hd....its not your fault.we are atargeted by the companyies like this way.....

19 inch is not largest screen for half fact thats an incomplete statement.depends on material and sitting distance.

yeah you are using galaxy semi hd screen....but what true semi hd matearial are you playing.....maybe 5% of your total video files.semi hd files looks fantastic even on a 80 inch screen from a distance of 10 can consult the projector owners in this forum.

best is you demo yourself and judge yourself.dont listen to anyone.side by side.
my main objective is I bought my lcd in a super hurry...and dont want the same case to happen for anyone.
Hmmm. You are a very difficult customer. :) (just kidding)

In dark area, in a basement with low light, any LED will be extremely bright. Plasma is more suitable in this case. But you also said 5 feet viewing distance. This is too close even for 42". For 42", the recommended minimum distance is 7 feet.

You could look at Samsung 42ST50 which is a full HD plasma and will drain your bank account to the tune of 85k ( 2000). But even with a plasma, you should have some low ambient light. Pitch dark is not recommended.

The other option could be a projector. What is your basement size? A fullHD projector will be 1.5 lakhs minimum and you will also need a screen which will be a minimum of 6,000 for the basic pull-down and self-lock. Projector will be good for image size of up to 110" and will require a wall width of 10 feet at the minimum (screen will be 8' x 4.5'). Viewing distance should be 2 times the width of the actual projected image.

in a dark area,yes a prjector can be an option.led powered low cost projectors are availblale from dell,acer..there are threads on this subject.
well I guess I should have made it more clear.. ... your perception is more in terms of media and movie use. my perceptions are more inclined towards PC use, which consists if games, media and text as well . viewing distance will be 5 ft.

finally ..... money matters a lot.
OK. One more thing on my projector suggestion. Since you will be using the display mainly for PC and Games, you don't have to go with a home theatre class PJ. You can use a boardroom PJ as well and for a full HD version should not cost you more than 80k. But PJ has its own limitations as well.
Hmmm. You are a very difficult customer. :) (just kidding)

In dark area, in a basement with low light, any LED will be extremely bright. Plasma is more suitable in this case. But you also said 5 feet viewing distance. This is too close even for 42". For 42", the recommended minimum distance is 7 feet.

You could look at Samsung 42ST50 which is a full HD plasma and will drain your bank account to the tune of 85k ( 2000). But even with a plasma, you should have some low ambient light. Pitch dark is not recommended.

The other option could be a projector. What is your basement size? A fullHD projector will be 1.5 lakhs minimum and you will also need a screen which will be a minimum of 6,000 for the basic pull-down and self-lock. Projector will be good for image size of up to 110" and will require a wall width of 10 feet at the minimum (screen will be 8' x 4.5'). Viewing distance should be 2 times the width of the actual projected image.

thanks for calling me that ! because that's the truth. :-)
I'm spending hard earned money and I want the every paisa to make count. I make extensive research before buying such stuff as I'll be using it for long. the options of full HD projector and full HD plasma are good but that's beyond my budget.

basement size is rectangle 30 ft by 12 ft. actually I mentioned 5 ft viewing distance as I'd like to hit two birds with one stone by adding this screen as my computer screen. that'll allow me king size surfing and photo editing as well as media enjoyment.

I'll be using bias lights possibly. ..

I downloaded the user manual of Toshiba pb 20 and found that it offers 'dot by dot ' mode for hdmi . else only Samsung, I remember offers one. what it does is disable overscan and gives pixel to pixel rendering. that's essential for my PC use. it's making Toshiba pb 20 only sweeter than before :-)

actually sir. .. my option was to get a 32 and a 22 inch Setup for my TV and PC respectively. just trying to join horses and get a single big one. I hope I don't bite off more than what I can chew :-)
plasmas are sinking ship I'm afraid. the problem with high power and life aside , they are loosing on the resolution front. most plasmas have some odd resolution like 1024x 600......and that's for a 50 inch set. ... my Samsung note (I'm using to write this ) has a 1280x 800 screen for 5.3 inch ...... makes me think .................:-):(:-) ???

let alone games, full HD shall allow me to have better txt and navigation around windows. I have an 19 inch half HD screen. .... and thats the largest screen any sane eyes will tolerate at half HD. ..:(

Plasma sales are low compared to lcd..that's all. Here is a figure of sales

Funny thing is even CRT sales outperforms plasma sales.
Plasma sales are low compared to lcd..that's all. Here is a figure of sales

Funny thing is even CRT sales outperforms plasma sales.
Not surprising. In rural areas (in India), CRT is what still sells. Even abroad, people buy a small 21" CRT for the den.
go and chk demo for LG and Sony as well. both the brands have a new range out. you will love the models and specially the picture quality and the colors.
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