Advice needed on 7.1 AMP and Projector


New Member
May 13, 2013
I have currently got a Hitachi 720 P projector, Yamaha 2700 amp, Def Tech speakers 7002, CLR 2500 and compatible rears of Def tech, also a Sony Blu ray. Its time for a system upgrade and I need advice.

Is there a need to upgrade the speakers or the amp/ Im tempted by the 4K upscaling and 7.1 surround, plus the wireless Airplay offered by Onkyo, Denon, Marantz and Yamaha.

Projectors have options of Panasonic PT-AE 8000EA (where to get this for a good price). Epson TW8100, BenQ W7000 and a SONY VPL HW50ES/B. Kids r keen on 3D but is it a feature to look for at all?

Pls do advice. My budget is roughly 4 lakhs for everything.
Professional suppliers I have spoken to are talking of Runco and Optoma etc. brands I've never used. Im worried I may get taken for a ride!!
Hi GeorgeO, is it possible to evaluate the options I have mentioned . Am getting a good deal on the Panasonic and the Marantz
I suggest you don't get into a very high end projector because, as you know, technology keeps improving and the price point keeps dropping. All the four brands that you mentioned+ Optoma are decent products for the price, and the thing to do is to check reviews at sites like projector central and the like. I have an Optoma HD 20 and I like it and recommend it, BUT you have to understand it's like buying a car-different makes and models work well for different people.
I have a Marantz AV pre pro, and I am personally convinced that separates are the way to go-with your budget you should look at that route.
Don't kill me but what's a Pre Pro? And when you say separates can you recommend something that I should look at. Thank u for all the help
Pre pro= preamp processor for AV along with a 5 or 7 chanbel power amp, like preamp and power amp for 2 channel audio. Separates are a separate prepro and amp Vs an AVR. Trusts this helps?
Out of all the projectors you have mentioned, Epson will give you the best performance to price ratio in India.
Sony should be the best overall projector. However Sony is very expensive here in India.

Regarding 3D, you need to do a demo yourself with the kids. I have a JVC X30 which some are satisfied with 3D performance. However I don't even bother to watch it in 3D becasue of the crosstalk/ghosting. If 3D is the priority look no further than Benq W7000 since they are DLPs.
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For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!