Advice on Budget Stereo Amp + FS (Adding sub in 6 months)

Amit thanks,
Any suggestions on some reasonably priced power amps besides the desi favourite Norge? Power amp would be easy to use as the Decco has preouts.

start a separate thread for suggestions on power amplifier and also check used one on forum. i dont have much idea about famous budget models in this segment.
Hi all,
Results of 2nd round of auditions...

Modern world - Old airport road, blr
Audition time: 90 minutes
Amp -> TX8050 (quote 35K)
Could not test CDP - no CD player available, used Lossless FLAC/ 30kbps MP3
Genre: Rock/Trance/Grunge
FS Speakers ->
Jamo s606 - 37K - best of the lot - 5.5/10
Tested another Jamo tower (cheaper) - 5/10
Energy FS - 3.5/10
Klipsch -> RS-F2 - 46 K - too shrill
Base was below par for all tested models :mad: ... I have a feeling it could be because of Amp :o.. Even with Jamo Sub 260 (28K), the bass was pathetic...:sad:

Results of 3rd round of auditions...
Thomson Music house, Indiranagr , blr.
audition time: 60 minutes
Amp: wanted to test Yamaha A-s500 but no demo piece or stock.. used A-S700 instead.. Yamaha was the most musical amp of the lot...
Quote( 30K - A-s500)
Genre: Rock/Trance/Grunge
FS Speakers ->
NS - F150 (24K) - good set of speakers for the price ~5.5/10
NS - F500 -> Awesome speakers but price scared me... 8/10 So not choosing them
NS-555 (44K) - Fabulous combination.. great stereo separation and u can literally feel the sound moving in Led Zep - 7/10

So my final thoughts...

Choice between Denon
Yamaha A-s500 + NS-555 - better sound but more expensive
or PM-520 AE + Polk Tsi 400 or 300 - Cheaper + good sound
Also planning to audition a FM's 2 yr old Diamonm 9.5s
P.S.: Haven't bargained for any prices
Any thoughts.. Please add your recommendation on what else to Audition (FS only please.. Don't care for BS. I wouldn't buy comparable sound quality BS unless they were 10K cheaper.. Good stands cost 15K per pair)

So completed confused :o:mad::indifferent14::sad:... Gonna try for 4th Round... :licklips::yahoo::clapping::ohyeah:
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