Affordable Projector owners thread - Egate, Aun, Akey..etc.

You could check tonzo LS525 as it's price is just little higher then akey6s.
Wzatco S2/S4 and tonzo support better 60FPS thru some review. I do not support any brand, this was the thoughts went thru while purchasing. My requirement was non andriod.
Any issues you facing with dirt. From what I've seen in most 1-star reviews for the Wzatco is that dirt enters the lens assembly and causes issues. I think this will be the Achilles heel of most of these budget projectors. But people over here are using Akey 6/6s for over a year. Do you guys do something extra for protection from dirt? And what DIY can be done if one wants to ensure complete protection from dirt?
Do check Aun Akey7 Max projector as well. It is very similar to Akey6 but the brightness looks better for a budget projector.

My thoughts are based on review videos I came across
Any issues you facing with dirt. From what I've seen in most 1-star reviews for the Wzatco is that dirt enters the lens assembly and causes issues. I think this will be the Achilles heel of most of these budget projectors. But people over here are using Akey 6/6s for over a year. Do you guys do something extra for protection from dirt? And what DIY can be done if one wants to ensure complete protection from dirt?
I will let others to respond. If I see that fan noise is increasing then its time to clean the filters.
Just to add, I am happy with Akey6 which I am using in bedroom as of now.
Hi All - just wanted to update. Its summer holidays time and while I still hope that someone from US will get me my Atmos Receiver and at least a 1080p branded receiver - I have restarted watching movies almost on a daily basis with kids and I am pretty impressed with what I have. My Aun Projector is doing pretty great for movies. The BR rips at 1080P for the latest movies are really great on this projector as long as you dont have something else to compare next to it. Given I have unlimited internet, I am downloading larger files with DTS sound tracks - but the 1-2GB ones are visually great too.

So for those of you who are sitting on the fence on buying a projector but cannot afford the 70-80K for a branded 1080p one, I cannot recommend the Aun brand enough. Maybe there are newer models from this brand or better Chinese brands that have cropped up since. Do give them a serious try. A 15K projector and 7-8K 120 inch screen is all you need to get a cinematic experience which is 80% of what you experience in PVR. Sound of course is a big deal as well. I have never tried or heard a sound bar. I hope the branded ones under 10K do a decent job so that for 30-35K one can enjoy the theater experience at home!!!

Just in case you do have folks from US and you want to buy HT gear and want to stay under the customs limits - Costco has a sale on AVRs - the Yamaha V6A/TSR600 is under 400 USD and the Costco 6050 which is billed as the successor to the great 686 is around the 440 USD mark - this is less than half of the Indian price assuming they are available in the first place. My choice for the projector - the Optoma 146X is routinely around the 495USD mark on Amazon US website. So far I have had zero luck from two of the folks who have reached Indian shores. More are on the way and I hope they do get the above two and help me upgrade my HT. 4K Projectors in US are over a 1000 USD and I am not sure if they justify their cost plus the customs hassles as they are over the duty free limit

Also anyone interested to check out the projector in real world scenario can drop in at my place for a cup of tea. I live in the Vijayanagar area. We got a metro station. Thx

One of the better reviewers has this chart on the projector performance. Not sure how many we can get in India. One option is try and get it shipped to someone near the Nepal border! Next time I go to Nepal - will try this option out.

Lenovo L5 seems the cheapest branded projector high on his list. Saw it at 17K on Banggood.
Hi All - just wanted to update. Its summer holidays time and while I still hope that someone from US will get me my Atmos Receiver and at least a 1080p branded receiver - I have restarted watching movies almost on a daily basis with kids and I am pretty impressed with what I have. My Aun Projector is doing pretty great for movies. The BR rips at 1080P for the latest movies are really great on this projector as long as you dont have something else to compare next to it. Given I have unlimited internet, I am downloading larger files with DTS sound tracks - but the 1-2GB ones are visually great too.

So for those of you who are sitting on the fence on buying a projector but cannot afford the 70-80K for a branded 1080p one, I cannot recommend the Aun brand enough. Maybe there are newer models from this brand or better Chinese brands that have cropped up since. Do give them a serious try. A 15K projector and 7-8K 120 inch screen is all you need to get a cinematic experience which is 80% of what you experience in PVR. Sound of course is a big deal as well. I have never tried or heard a sound bar. I hope the branded ones under 10K do a decent job so that for 30-35K one can enjoy the theater experience at home!!!

Just in case you do have folks from US and you want to buy HT gear and want to stay under the customs limits - Costco has a sale on AVRs - the Yamaha V6A/TSR600 is under 400 USD and the Costco 6050 which is billed as the successor to the great 686 is around the 440 USD mark - this is less than half of the Indian price assuming they are available in the first place. My choice for the projector - the Optoma 146X is routinely around the 495USD mark on Amazon US website. So far I have had zero luck from two of the folks who have reached Indian shores. More are on the way and I hope they do get the above two and help me upgrade my HT. 4K Projectors in US are over a 1000 USD and I am not sure if they justify their cost plus the customs hassles as they are over the duty free limit
Looking back and reading through your post it has been long time since I had watched any movie in home through a projector. I have a Epson EB-1980WU projector packed and lying in some storage box. It is a old projector but still has enough juice left in it to watch HD movies. Projector is a cumbersome process if you do not have a dedicated room to operate it. I had it packed since I did not have a dedicated room but now even if I would like to watch I do not have the wall space I had earlier as all the wall space has been occupied by wallhangings, photos and other artifacts.

Only thing I could think of now is to get a projector screen with tripod. How good will that be? I do not have any idea.
Same with me. Although in my place everything is ready and in place- getting my family to come together to sit and watch a movie for 2-3 is a tall order.

I have the insight 120 inch screen with stands. Its ok. Although one can fold and keep everything inside - fixing it in place everytime is a cumbersome process and hence I have just let it stand in a ready condition. It is big and heavy and does look kinda ugly if everything else in the room looks posh. But in terms of practicality - I dont have the darkest room and hence I am very happy with the video performance for the price I paid.
I have the insight 120 inch screen with stands. Its ok. Although one can fold and keep everything inside - fixing it in place everytime is a cumbersome process and hence I have just let it stand in a ready condition. It is big and heavy and does look kinda ugly if everything else in the room looks posh. But in terms of practicality - I dont have the darkest room and hence I am very happy with the video performance for the price I paid.
I'm trying to buy something like the projector screen you have mentioned. Does a 4:3 Or 16:9 screen make any difference? I'm confused between the two on which to buy.
I have 16:9 as i wanted 120 inches diagonal in this ratio. Guess it all comes down to how much space you have. Mine fits perfectly in the limited space I got. Inflight owners number is 9810080112 I think..Check with him directly. You will get a better price than what you see on Amazon. I see the last screen I bought from him for my relative..paid 7500. Thx
Absolute newbie to the projector world here - stupid comment alarm!

Wzatco Yuva listed for 9K with a native 1080p projector has some rave reviews. Egate i9/K9/O9 have good reviews too. I am fairly close to donating my 9K for this charitable cause and maybe I'll take that jump soon after reading this thread. I am not sure if I'll enjoy watching a projector, or I'll go through all the hassles of setting one up every week - but hey, got to contribute to the economy!

I am sure 9K Wzatco and 2L 9400 will have massive performance differentiation - I am just not sure if it'll be 20x time in the real world.
Can you share a picture of it, please? How long does it take to assemble it?
what I mean by ugly is that its an eyesore. I dont think a picture will give you the true "picture". Again..its not supposed to be a super sexy thing in the first place. It takes less than 5 minutes but it does need two people to assemble, one on each side. Reason why it should be installed permanently is that with if you keep on pulling it up and down on regular basis, am sure the screen will get wrinkled. Hence do not buy this if you do not have a permanent place to put it in.

I also have a liberty greenview pull down screen which obviously is of much better quality and while the the part which gets fixed to the ceiling looks large and out of place, it is well finished though since it is imported from China I guess. I paid 13K ten years back and I pull it up and down every time I watch a movie.

This insight screen is more from a small scale industry type. Hence cannot be compared to Chinese factory made items.
TW650? It's marked as sold. Plus, it was a 3-year-old LCD lamp - those lamps would have weakened considerably!
No expert on LCD lamps. But the projector itself has very good reviews. He has used it for less than 2000 hours. Hence if it lasts another 5000 hours....well worth it...

Good it got sold. Was in touch with the seller.
Absolute newbie to the projector world here - stupid comment alarm!

Wzatco Yuva listed for 9K with a native 1080p projector has some rave reviews. Egate i9/K9/O9 have good reviews too. I am fairly close to donating my 9K for this charitable cause and maybe I'll take that jump soon after reading this thread. I am not sure if I'll enjoy watching a projector, or I'll go through all the hassles of setting one up every week - but hey, got to contribute to the economy!

I am sure 9K Wzatco and 2L 9400 will have massive performance differentiation - I am just not sure if it'll be 20x time in the real world.
These projectors are good to start with but they do not have much depth, contrast or brightness and I am sure you know that. Another thing if you do not have a dedicated room for using the projector it is a bit hassle to set it up and dismantle the screen. I have a similar projector I bought in UK for cheap, even though the projector is good I had to buy a projector screen with tripod as all the wall space was occupied with photos and artifacts. Setting up and removing the projector screen was itself a difficult task as this projector screen was very heavy. I think I just watched couple of times and then lost interest due to the fact that I had to dismantle this projector screen every time.
Hi guys, this is my first post in this forum and I like to share my experience. My journey with Homecinema/projector started during the Covid days.

1. I have picked up an used Vivibright 480p projector along with a tripod and screen for around 4-5k through olx. Lumen was really low, its an OK experience at best. I will not recommend this type of projector. For Screen i was using the elcor matt white screen and white wall. I sold this projector


2. I got an egate 720p projector from amazon at around 11k. Difference is huge, it was a short through projector also, i can get uptp 100inch screen within 10 feet distance. Colour was alright, brightness was a huge upgrade and great to watch movie in this way. I paired with projector with a Altec lansing 2.1 speaker (audio through 3.5mm). For screen I was using my white wall in the room.


This is a sweet spot for anyone to start with projector within 10k budget. Contrast was a challenge with one as in certain dark scenes it gave a negative like effects in the dark area. Eventually I sold this projector after around 8 months of usage.

3. I got Wzatco s6 Full HD projector. This one cost me around 25k. This one is huge in terms of size, has a good brightness (almost double compared to the last projector), no negative like problem, better color. I have also got a zebronic 9500 pro 5.1 dolby soundbar, extract the 5.1 audio through amazon hdmi audio extractor got it through optical audio. It's great home theatre experience, the surround sound really makes a huge difference. For source I am using Amazon Firestick most of the time, also connect to ps3 for Blue ray movies. I am also painted my room with dark grey color and the screen part of the wall with projector color to further enhance the experience. This reduced the light reflection a lot and gives a movie theatre feel to the setup. While connected with PC for gaming, experience was not good, it was bit dark as per taste, please note I am using a 4k 32 inch monitor for my pc setup.
At this budget this is a great home theatre experience for beginners.


4. I have upgraded to BenQ th575 projector and paired with the same source and audio setup. This one is just WOW - zinga la la experience. It cost me 70k comes with a free amazon firestick. Almost three times costlier than the last one (I still have the wzatco s6, looking for a sale 😉) but performance in terms of Brightness, Colour Accuracy, Contrast is in the level of a LED/LCD tv. While connected with PC for gaming, experience was great, no input lag. This projector also comes with active 3D; I bought a pair of dlp 3D glasses from amazon for 3k, watched Avatar 3d in blue ray, great experience. I am thinking of getting a grey/silver ALT screen to further enhance the contrast.

Future Upgrade : Grey/Silver screen for better contrast and color. For sound, either an audio extractor which can do extract eARC (Dolby atmos) or ideally an AV receiver.


In short, if someone is new, start with a 720p or 1080p Chinese branded projector. A plain white wall is good enough. Sound is the second half of the equation for a home theatre feel, invest on that too.
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If you were to cook up some kind of a metric like value per rupee or value per thousand rupee, how would rank the three? like when they test GPUs across the price range, they go frame per dollar types

If you were to cook up some kind of a metric like value per rupee or value per thousand rupee, how would rank the three? like when they test GPUs across the price range, they go frame per dollar types

This is a great suggestion, In short word for beginners a good 720 projector will be great place to start- Low risk and can check the usage pattern and build up a case for a home theatre
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