AIYIMA A07 @ Great price on Amazon - Limited Deal

I ordered the Aiyima A07 from hifimart recently and have been listening to it on and off for about a day now on my desktop system.

From this somewhat limited exposure my impressions are that this certainly is 'Class D'. It is missing the nuances of a class AB amp worth its salt, the signature is as expected. Lots of power, very dynamic and punchy sound, bass is tighter but not as deep, midrange is not lean but it is not as full or lush as I would want it to be. Quite sparkly at the top, which will allure some and give an illusion of 'control'.
Now a lot of the signature can be attributed to other components I am sure. For example at the moment it is on my desktop setup, driving Usher S520 bookshelves with authority, being fed by a Creative G5 sound card. I will bring my Chord Mojo 2 around and see how that effects things, I am sure it will, Chord generally does. Even then I feel I will be keenly aware of its shortcomings.

So in short, this is fine for casual listening, this will stay at the desktop setup, it takes up such tiny space! And the power consumption is something that you must keep in mind going forward in anything you do.

I could be ready to trash this amp but we have to keep in mind, this is a sub 10K INR amp, with oodles of power. This is good enough for a lot of people and right there it has found its market. All in all I am not distressed with the 8.5K I spent on this, granted I have by now probably spent 100 times that on audio over the years, yet 8.5K is not a tiny sum for a lot, definitely not for me. It has its place and we should keep that in mind.

I will attach this to my main set up purely to not do disservice to the tiny amp but I am very certain it will not go back to my main system once the experiment concludes, it will gladly stay on my desk for me to enjoy some music while I am working.
After about 2 weeks of quite extensive listening to the Aiyima I believe it is time to provide some updates, encouraging ones too if you are curious.
First of all a lot of that harshness at the top end of the spectrum has smoothed out, it started happening toward the end of the firs week. It is a pleasant listen now.
I still believe Aiyima is not meant for very revealing speakers and I mean hyper transparent and revealing speakers, for others at this price point, you just can not lift up your pen to complain. That point needs to be stressed a lot, 'for this price' it is quite amazing.
This has made a quite permanent space on my desktop, it will stay there.
I had bought this back in April and now quite loving it. In fact bought 2 of them so that I can use to bi-wire my Wharfedales. The sound is quite good for my ears. So I have disconnected the Marantz PM6007 IA that I had used for the past 1 year or so.
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