Amazon offering Shipping to India!?


Apr 21, 2010
So I saw something on another site and just tried it out... Amazon (US) is now shipping electronics to India directly...

I haven't placed an order yet but I'm itching to pull the trigger. Here's the break down for the Denon 1912 directly to my place in Bangalore:

Order Summary
Items: $549.99
Shipping & Handling: $90.72
Total Before Tax: $640.71
Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00
Import Fees Deposit $199.11

Works out to about 38K? Which is a tasty tasty price in my opinion

The import fees deposit will be used for customs etc. and according to the help content if it's higher than actuals we get a refund...

Sorry if this is old news... but this is the first I heard of it...
Quick update... Amazon UK does it as well as long as the item is fulfilled by Amazon (same thing for US as well looks like)... No need for Step Down! :yahoo:
Yes, this has been happening for a long time.

Look at Amazon UK or Amazon Germany as well if they have this product since you will not need a step-down transformer if ordered from Amazon Germany.

Please do double check the voltage on the product from your side as well.

Also, not all products are shipped, only some.
Yes, this has been happening for a long time.

Look at Amazon UK or Amazon Germany as well if they have this product since you will not need a step-down transformer if ordered from Amazon Germany.

Please do double check the voltage on the product from your side as well.

Also, not all products are shipped, only some.

It's true... only some products can be shipped directly to us. Just tried a Senn HD650 and got my knuckles rapped... This link (Amazon US) has all the products that can be sent directly...

Will update with similar link for UK and DE if i figure it out...
hmm - what if we receive a faulty piece?

Isn't that a risk we take with every item we import? This helps reduce some of the hassle of dealing with shopandship, borderlinx etc.

Only option is to see what warranty terms the manufacturer offer here before purchasing and keep our fingers crossed.

Important thing to note (and I will be writing to Amazon customer care about it) is that whenever I've ordered books etc from Amazon US and UK in the past they end up putting it into the Indian Postal system when the item reaches India... Until then it's handled by DHL/Deutche POST. I've had so many books mangled in the past.
yes, there is always a risk. But when big vendors like amazon start shipping, they should have better policies to minimize risk for the end buyer. I am hoping it is better to buy from amazon.
Advantage of the shop and ship route, I can ask a friend in US/ UK to buy, test (or test, buy) and then send to shop and ship address and I get it here. I have noticed many threads (like one from Ravin) where receiver had one problem or another.

Isn't that a risk we take with every item we import? This helps reduce some of the hassle of dealing with shopandship, borderlinx etc.

Only option is to see what warranty terms the manufacturer offer here before purchasing and keep our fingers crossed.

Important thing to note (and I will be writing to Amazon customer care about it) is that whenever I've ordered books etc from Amazon US and UK in the past they end up putting it into the Indian Postal system when the item reaches India... Until then it's handled by DHL/Deutche POST. I've had so many books mangled in the past.
I was looking at amazon US and UK sites. I can understand which products are sold by amazon. I have a few basic queries

How do I know which product is eligible for international shipping (both in US and UK)?
I do I know the cost break up?
Is all product under "super saver" scheme automatically qualifies for international shipping?

i tried to check how much it would cost of import a marantz 6005 avr from amazon usa :

Items: $638.00
Shipping & Handling: $175.00


Total Before Tax: $813.00

but likely duty will be charged on top of this.
I think the customs duty is mentioned in the Grand total only on the last page.

I believe there is no separate sub-category for International Shipping in Amazon UK.
Since you guys are talking about buying from Amazon, I have pasted below a recent response regarding one of my quarries to Amazon.

Hope this helps

Books, Movie DVDs and Music CDs can be shipped to most countries. To view Video Games, Software, Electronics, Watches, Jewelry, Apparel, Shoes and Sporting Goods that ship to select countries outside the United States, please visit Amazon Global ( International Shipping).

You're also welcome to purchase from other Amazon websites as well. Just visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I'm sorry; We don't accept Citi Bank Credit Card as a payment method on our website at this point.

We accept credit cards, payment from U.S. checking accounts, gift cards, and Store Card. You can also purchase gift card codes at Western Union locations in the U.S. Here are the credit cards we accept:

- American Express
- Diners Club (U.S. orders only)
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Visa, Visa Electron, and Visa Check Cards
- Eurocard

You can learn more about these payment methods here: Help: Payment, Pricing & Promotions

Free super saver shipping is available only for US customers.
whereas on denon avr 1612 i tried breakup is :
price - $348
shipping - $84(maybe as this package is heavy)
import duty :$135
now this comes to around 30% of total price and 39% of the price of avr.
any explanation?

Anyone remember what the custom charge on an imported Denon receiver (of same class/weight) from 2010 was? For example how much Borderlinx & their ilk charged etc...

They do say that they will refund if the customs duty is less than what they charged and if it's more they absorb it. Maybe I'm being naive but Amazon has NEVER shortchanged me... And I've been ordering stuff from them Books, DVDs etc to India (including a massive shipment from Amazon UK just last month) and Electronics and all kinds of other stuff when I was stateside.

One time a parcel of books (about 100 USD of comics and stuff we couldn't get here back then) went missing (postman flicked it for sure) and they sent another package right away at no charge (this time I sent it to the office).

The duty their asking is def. on the high side though... Maybe I should be the guinea pig and buy something moderately priced...
I had also ordered 1 squeezebox touch on 29th June using my PNB debit card. at first,this order was accepted but after 15 minutes i received an email saying that i need to confirm bank details. then i revised my payment option to my sister's credit card and today early morning i received an email that order has been shipped and will be delivered between 13-25 July.
But now i am a bit worried about the package handling by the Indian postal department. Hope that Amazon does not rely on Indian Post department.
BTW customs on my products is $46 on price of $277 +shipping of $23 which comes to around 15% of total price as well as the price of the item and whereas on denon avr 1612 i tried breakup is :
price - $348
shipping - $84(maybe as this package is heavy)
import duty :$135
now this comes to around 30% of total price and 39% of the price of avr.
any explanation?

As u paid in $ what are conv. charges applied by PNB? same charges get applied for paypal?
Citibank Credit Cards are accepted by Amazon. (As the card issued by Citi is alos co branded by either VISA or Mastercard). Have used it multiple times
Citibank Credit Cards are accepted by Amazon. (As the card issued by Citi is alos co branded by either VISA or Mastercard). Have used it multiple times
All international credit cards are accepted by Amazon. But Amazon cannot tell the diff between INR only CCs and I'nl CCs. They just try to debit the CC with the amount. Visa/MasterCard/etc. either process or reject the payment.
Citibank Credit Cards are accepted by Amazon. (As the card issued by Citi is alos co branded by either VISA or Mastercard). Have used it multiple times

Ebay has some issues I think with Citibank as I cldnt complete the deal.:rolleyes:
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