amp power and speaker power ?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2012
ERODE , tamil nadu
hi members,

i have been used marantz pm6004 and kef q300... amp power is around 45 watts @6 ohms.,speaker power is 120 watts @ 8 ohms..

but i cant turn volume over 60% level of this amp - speaker combo ..

why this happened even the speaker power is far more power?
which specs is true?

little confused

-suresh babu
if you can afford it the amp power rating ( nominal ) can be upto 3 times the speaker rating ( nominal ) for most SS amps

such an will amp drive the speaker better

under powered amps are infact more dangerous to the speaker since they send a clipped signal to the woofer when overdriven
it is this clipped signal that most likely destroys speakers

So a 45rms amp being overdriven will send a clipped signal to the 120rms rated speaker far earlier than a 100rms amp

keep knob at no more than 11.00 o clock for safety

Nominal amp pwer (45rms ) in your case is the power that the amp supplies in continiuos mode to the speaker
i.e your amp is designed to put out a max of 45 rms continious into a speaker

Your speaker rating is 125rms
this means your speaker is designed to accept UPTO 125 rms continuos from the AMP

You want to pump up the volume MORE
get a bigger amp!
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if you can afford it the amp power rating ( nominal ) can be upto 3 times the speaker rating ( nominal ) for most SS amps

such an will amp drive the speaker better

under powered amps are infact more dangerous to the speaker since they send a clipped signal to the woofer when overdriven
it is this clipped signal that most likely destroys speakers

So a 45rms amp being overdriven will send a clipped signal to the 120rms rated speaker far earlier than a 100rms amp

keep knob at no more than 11.00 o clock for safety

Nominal amp pwer (45rms ) in your case is the power that the amp supplies in continiuos mode to the speaker
i.e your amp is designed to put out a max of 45 rms continious into a speaker

Your speaker rating is 125rms
this means your speaker is designed to accept UPTO 125 rms continuos from the AMP

You want to pump up the volume MORE
get a bigger amp!

Your amps power is 45@8 ohms, hence you can get a better result in below 100 watts speakers . Otherwise you must connect a minimum of 100 watts amp
hi members,

but i cant turn volume over 60% level of this amp - speaker combo ..

why this happened even the speaker power is far more power?
which specs is true?

little confused

-suresh babu
hen you say you cant go above 60% Level of the amp what happens? Do you get distorted sound / Clipped sound or is the sound level so high that you do not want to increase the volume of amp further?
Your amps power is 45@8 ohms, hence you can get a better result in below 100 watts speakers . p

umm not true
that is a generalization

hes not gonna get any extra juice ( volume ) unless he uses higher sensitivity speakers

In his current combo his amp is seeing a "hard to drive load "
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