Using audiolab 6000a as pre amp with more powerful seperate power amp .. advice need


Active Member
Sep 2, 2012
ERODE , tamil nadu
hi everybody,

currently i am using Audiolab 6000a ( 50 watts )and Dali Oberon 5 speakers ( 150 watts )..

i am happy with this combo for almost 4-5 yrs.. but sometimes i feel bit small sound or lean sound for some songs.. if i increase volume levels,it sounded little hard to listen.. in low volumes , no problems..

so , i wish to attain better energy and bold like sound..

for this , i have one better offer for Quad 909 power amp from link.. that reproduce 140 watts.. no way to sample test with both combo.

audiolab 6000a have seperate preamp out , so i can use quad 909 external power amp..

if i use audiolab 6000a as a pre amp and quad 909 as a power amp, may i get better power than integrated audiolab 6000a s sound ?

read about audiolab 6000a pre amps output specs , that it can able drive quad 909 amp... but i dont know much experience to consider..

mostly i played songs via blue tooth with my apple i pad ( i tunes , youtube )..

is that good idea to add external power amp with excisting integrated amp?

or buying external matching preamp seperates or dac with pre amp will do best ?

suresh babu
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hi everybody,

currently i am using Audiolab 6000a ( 50 watts )and Dali Oberon 5 speakers ( 150 watts )..

i am happy with this combo for almost 4-5 yrs.. but sometimes i feel bit small sound or lean sound for some songs.. if i increase volume levels,it sounded little hard to listen.. in low volumes , no problems..

so , i wish to attain better energy and bold like sound..

for this , i have one better offer for Quad 909 power amp from link.. that reproduce 140 watts.. no way to sample test with both combo.

audiolab 6000a have seperate preamp out , so i can use quad 909 external power amp..

if i use audiolab 6000a as a pre amp and quad 909 as a power amp, may i get better power than integrated audiolab 6000a s sound ?

read about audiolab 6000a pre amps output specs , that it can able drive quad 909 amp... but i dont know much experience to consider..

mostly i played songs via blue tooth with my apple i pad ( i tunes , youtube )..

is that good idea to add external power amp with excisting integrated amp?

or buying external matching preamp seperates or dac with pre amp will do best ?

suresh babu
I am also using audiolab 6000a, i have changed power cord and its given good changes. Try to change power cord and check.
hi everybody,

currently i am using Audiolab 6000a ( 50 watts )and Dali Oberon 5 speakers ( 150 watts )..

i am happy with this combo for almost 4-5 yrs.. but sometimes i feel bit small sound or lean sound for some songs.. if i increase volume levels,it sounded little hard to listen.. in low volumes , no problems..

so , i wish to attain better energy and bold like sound..

for this , i have one better offer for Quad 909 power amp from link.. that reproduce 140 watts.. no way to sample test with both combo.

audiolab 6000a have seperate preamp out , so i can use quad 909 external power amp..

if i use audiolab 6000a as a pre amp and quad 909 as a power amp, may i get better power than integrated audiolab 6000a s sound ?

read about audiolab 6000a pre amps output specs , that it can able drive quad 909 amp... but i dont know much experience to consider..

mostly i played songs via blue tooth with my apple i pad ( i tunes , youtube )..

is that good idea to add external power amp with excisting integrated amp?

or buying external matching preamp seperates or dac with pre amp will do best ?

suresh babu

I would suggest to first fix the source. Playing via BT on a hifi setup can be the primary reason for the leanness / compression you are finding. Something as simple as a WiiM pro / Allo Digione will make a world of difference vs your existing playback style.
I would suggest to first fix the source. Playing via BT on a hifi setup can be the primary reason for the leanness / compression you are finding. Something as simple as a WiiM pro / Allo Digione will make a world of difference vs your existing playback style.
@fLUX - lol, u beat me to the buzzer in pointing that out.

i am happy with this combo for almost 4-5 yrs.. but sometimes i feel bit small sound or lean sound for some songs.. if i increase volume levels,it sounded little hard to listen.. in low volumes , no problems..

so , i wish to attain better energy and bold like sound..
try a hard wired connection such as toslink from your TV first to see if you're happy with the improvements. If not, as @fLUX suggested, get a cheap albeit excellent streamer like the Allo Digione Signature or Wiim Pro.

I have been using Dali Oberon speakers for several years. I would suggest pairing with a MArantz amp, rather than adding a power amp.
The Dali + Marantz combo works really well.

The amp I would reccoemnd is the Marantz PM7000N.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.