Amplifier for Jamo C405

Yes. Until I come across a better amp at a sweeter price. :P

Jokes apart, yes I'm going ahead with this combo in most probable cases!
So, if you ask me if enough bass was there, I would say more than what I would want. But if you say did you like the way the bass was coming, I would say I'm not sure. By the way do Marantz amps are known for supressing the low-frequencies or are they known for producing them bad?

Well many in this forum prefer Nad as amp & marantz/Nad as CDp.
Japanies like more of string instruments & there amps are designed to sound better high freq.
British amps are more laid back with good warmth.

Now again its personal interest what he likes.
I dont want to confuse you,but try to know as I will be trying for stereo amp myself. :)
The Marantz integrated amplifiers sound heavenly with the Jamo concert series speakers. Denon, I am afraid does not do justice. I think you can get a decent Marantz integrated amplifier within your budget.

I agree, the denon's I felt had a warm sound and jamo's by nature are warm.
warm + warm = blobby

I recently heard polks on a denon.. man

hot + warm = Melted blob

The c and older e series sound excellent on marantz
By the way I met a friend today who had worked for AV Max and has been in the hifi industry for more than a decade (knows all OEM heads, Mumbai shop owners by name and is in touch of most of them!). This guy told me to go for an AVR instead of Amplifier! His argument was, there is no noticeable difference in SQ of an AVR and an amp in general. He says both have almost similar circuitry and hence one can't be superior than the other for almost the same price. He said AVR is real VFM and is the future. Most amplifiers will die, only those costing above a couple of lacs will survive as they are the ones that can be called hifi-grade amps. Rest all is just junk!

That sounds controversial!

Some months back Viola was selling PM7001 for 22k with B&W. Please try to extend your budget a little bit and go for that.

Viola told me that above PM5003, the only option available is PM8004. 6002/7001/7003 nothing available.
yes this friend who works in a magazine talks exactly like one i see
Is music his job or passion?
Job I'm sure. Passion I'm not sure. Lol. Probably he suggested me an AVR because I told him that I will go the FLAC+DAC way and he wasn't ready to believe that this can be an alternative to CDP! He was also pissed at the fact that I don't have any CDs as of now!

By the way Sailesh refused to go down on the price of the PM5003. Says I gave someone else the discount because I must have got compensated in some other item he bought. For me 31.5k for C405 is too low and he can't go down on amp prices anymore. :(
One way he is pissed that you dont have cds and supports the CDP. On the other hand he says AVR Is better then average stereo amp
No expert here but then its how one likes
2 things here banwari
1st 31.5k is a very good price i dont think you need to bargain further considering what sofyan was offering you

I hope you do get a flac collection
You will not know a stereo amp by playing MP3

Also i thought you listen to music only occasionally
where is this DAC come from?

Dac is a specialised item
ive heard many of them, many rave about them but frankly all the sub 300$ dacs ive heard except for the Peter Daniel failed to impress me at all
yes they did better a dvdp player but in budget speakers they bettered the sound by such an amount that did not justfy the expense on the DAC at all
In many songs i hardly felt a difference
Dont think about a dac till you really have a large flac/wav collection etc
Definitely, Ali sir! No DAC for me right now. :D

See, DAC funda came long back when I joined the forum. Buying CDs is not a problem but I'm somehow wary of CDs (for their terribly low life due to scratches or even regular playing/wear & tear) and CDPs (for lens reading issues etc). Hence I thought I will go the DAC way (which many on this forum supported then).

Anyways with current 50k damage, I don't really think I will have enough money to spend on a DAC or a CDP. I leave it for later.

And yes, I'm not trying to better the 31.5k deal on Jamo C405. It's just the amp that's confusing me. Viola had offered the same to Jashua for 16.5k and gave the cables also for free. But he is adament on 17.5k in my case. I'm going tomorrow to Sailesh to close the chapter.

By the way shall I go ahead with the Rs.95/m cable or should try something better? I don't have much budget for it. Max 1.5k for around 5-6 metre cable.

The quest ended a couple of hours ago. Booked the following from Viola:

- Marantz PM5003 (black): Rs.17,500/-
- Jamo C405 (dark apple): Rs.31,500/-

Speakers can be picked up tomorrow evening but amp will come from distributor in Chennai and will take 3-4 days. So, I will be able to listen to my first hi-fi system before this Friday. :)

I thank everybody on this forum for their support. A special thanks to Magma for his unconditional and uninterrupted help. I have bugged him like anything!

Yippee! :yahoo:
Congrats on finally making the purchase.
You seemed to have got a good deal. Buy the cables asap.
Now enjoy the music!
And keep us posted on your impressions,
for 50000 rs i cant think of any better all round solution than this.
many congratulations
enjoy the music

when can i come hear the combination:D
ive never heard a Jamo / marantz combo ( vortex praises it - i would like to hear myself)
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