Amplifier for Mission LX 2

Noted. Actually my input will be from phone and tv/ far i have thought of norge 2060 btu+ mission.. Can i add a subwoofer to the above mentioned amp later? I read mission lx2 is tricky to pair. Dont understand what that means.suggest a decent subwoofer.

I humbly advise you to please start listening to some combinations available at various dealers around you, including the lx2. Form some opinions on what you hear, like & dislike. This will help you immensely in achieving some reference as to what appeals to you with the music genres you listen to. Do not just box yourself into blindly buying xyz speakers at xyz price. Patience is the key as only then will you be in a position to ideally buy what you will like to hear your music genres on for an appreciable period of time. Don't blindly follow everything that all of us have to say here, go & experience it as well!
Its a big leap for me.. Cost me a fortune.. 2hrs of play and its crazy sound.. I don't know its elac or yamaha doing the magic
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