Asit - I sure do understand where Cranky comes from with the Watts point. It is just that I happen to know Ramanujam's listening preferences and he may not be after that last bit of slam that people might be looking for. Again as you very well know it is also a function of the kind of music one listens to.
If you read my first two posts in this thread, you'd notice that I have said what I felt myself based on my own judgement and ability, independently of what cranky thought of the power requirement on the amps to drive the MD1 nicely. It just so happens that Cranky also thinks so. In any case he owns them and knows them inside out (quite literally, because he even modded them).
A plucked string, as I have repeatedly said elsewhere, needs a lot of power reserves for the attack and a lot of refinement for the decay. When Vilayat Khan's or Nikhil Banerjee's sitar is being played, in addition to the proper tonality and detailing of the texture, I also want the beauty of the power involved in forcefully plucking the string and the overall impact and control of the sound resulting from years of practice with upto 12 -14 hours per day.
Unfortunately without a proper matching of the amp and the speakers, this bliss is not achieved. In the case of the MD1 speakers this requires an amp with a lot of power reserves, as I have already said.
You may call it slam, micro-slam (along the lines of microdynamics) or whatever. But tonal purity and impact with a high degree of spontaneity is something every artist even in Indian classical music strives towards. The better systems should provide that. This is what I have meant in my previous posts and this is entirely my opinion, not cranky's. But you should also keep in mind that cranky himself is a musician and has a very refined and much-above-average musical taste, even though he does not like to talk a lot about his musical expertise.
Your diagram exactly describes the arrangement I was trying to suggest in my second post. But for that kind of near-field arrangement, I have a feeling a quality tube amp may suit the situation better. This is very similar to how Prem has set up his stuff. But you beat me by the drawing
