An experience of DENON AVR X2500H update error loop and Indian customer service.

hi I have a denon x2600h, I tried to restore the firmware but getting same issue 2a02 error. please help. how did u hook up to sound united ? and as u mentioned already the firmware site is no longer available. I don't want to pay that huge amount almost 50% of the avr.

by the way my issue is that no Sound. and I can't access the set up assistant menu. some how after filling around I could able to access the menu and hear Sound coming once to one of only connected speaker. I assume it's a software issue as well
HI mate did you fix your issue ?

Now I am in similar situation .. I emailed to [email protected] hopefully they will reply me soon.
I was in same condition now bro .. I have no clue why my denon failed the update .. no power failure or network issue

can you please provide me email of the person who can provide me the firmware to download ??

Denon seems really pain in A$$ .. while yamaha is offering firmware openly for everyone on their website
Email directly at the denon customer support… their website.

Be ready to attch a photograph of your serial number and the error message displays. They take some days, remind them repeatedly.
Email directly at the denon customer support… their website.

Be ready to attch a photograph of your serial number and the error message displays. They take some days, remind them repeatedly.
Hi mate, Do you think your firmware and mine 2700h gonna same ??

can you upload firmware here let me try with instructions ..
Email directly at the denon customer support… their website.

Be ready to attch a photograph of your serial number and the error message displays. They take some days, remind them repeatedly.
I Tried to talk to them on live chat at denon support mate .. He says they support only for US/canada customers only and disconnect me twice after waiting for long time..

Can they help me from email ??
The firmware are encrypted according to the serial numbers.
In how many days we can expect response from denon support mate ?

I tried the live chat thing and that customer care guy had skipped me 3 times after he came to know I am indian .. he says service only for us and canada .. and also says they no longer providing this usb firmware thing ..

I have no clue what to do now .. I feel very depressed for choosing Denon .. such a worst brand I will never buy or recommend this again to anyone :(
I Tried to talk to them on live chat at denon support mate .. He says they support only for US/canada customers only and disconnect me twice after waiting for long time..

Can they help me from email ??

In how many days we can expect response from denon support mate ?

I tried the live chat thing and that customer care guy had skipped me 3 times after he came to know I am indian .. he says service only for us and canada .. and also says they no longer providing this usb firmware thing ..

I have no clue what to do now .. I feel very depressed for choosing Denon .. such a worst brand I will never buy or recommend this again to anyone :(
Just write the complain. And use the token number again and again. They take around >1 week to respond.
Hi mate, I got the denon 2700h firmware now .. but they didnt get the instructions how to flash it ..

can you please send me instructions
If I remember correctly, the HEOS app can flush the local firmware under the advanced option.
I Tried to talk to them on live chat at denon support mate .. He says they support only for US/canada customers only and disconnect me twice after waiting for long time..

Can they help me from email ??

In how many days we can expect response from denon support mate ?

I tried the live chat thing and that customer care guy had skipped me 3 times after he came to know I am indian .. he says service only for us and canada .. and also says they no longer providing this usb firmware thing ..

I have no clue what to do now .. I feel very depressed for choosing Denon .. such a worst brand I will never buy or recommend this again to anyone :(
Since both Denon and Marantz are from Sound United. I can share the way I managed. I registered the product and created a login for myself. Using the login, I posted my issue, I got detailed technical response from them every 24 hrs. See if it works for you.
Hi mate, I got the denon 2700h firmware now .. but they didnt get the instructions how to flash it ..

can you please send me instructions
Did you get it as a zip file?

There will a instruction pdf file. I recieved mine as a zip file.

There are many ways you can update via USB

1. Was turn on and change to heos wait for the display for 'no network ' or something like that and then insert the USB.

2. I don't remember but there was a combination of the tuner buttons
I will share you the instructions pdf in evening when I get home.
Hi Mate .. they sent me the instructions now ..

But after heos change my device keep saying "please wait" .. its not moving forward to "no network"

I waited for like 1 hr still shows "please wait"

Note : I removed lan plug though ... no network for the device

I have no clue what to do now :(
attaching the pdf instruction file. But remember this was for my x2500H.

Hope it helps you.
Yea our both instructions are same mate ..

But my AVR got stuck at "Please Wait" after I turn the source to HEOS Music .. its not showing "Tune in Internet Radio" or "No Network Connection".

I waited for more than 1 hour still showing "Please Wait"

I think I have no choice left have to send to customer care :(
You check with other methods. Check the manual. Maybe factory reset first.

This shitty issues are why I am really turned off from AVR.

I am waiting for my pre-pro.
Whats the use of this preamp processor bro .. I am new to this :(

is that better than our normal AVRs ??
AVRs are do it all. Process the sound and amplify.
Pre-processors do everything except amplify, So you need to plan for out-board amps.
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