Analog Interconnects using DNM's new 3rd Gen stereo interconnect ribbon cable & AECO Tellurium Copper CX-4 RCA Connector


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
On the quest of solid core interconnect cables wanted to use a cable which is specifically designed for analog single ended transport. Though co-axial and hybrid co-axial (twisted pair and coaxial) Cables were widely used for analog interconnects, they are not originally made for analog single ended or unbalanced interconnect application. Widely available cables are 75/50/110 ohms digital cables or unbalanced co-axial.

While searching for a unique cable for unbalanced interconnect application, I came across this DNM Ribbon V3 interconnect cables.

few details of the cable from DNM OEM page below.
  • DNM's new third generation stereo interconnect cable has ground (earth return) conductors with only one third of the resistance of the earlier DNM stereo interconnects, now using 0.5mm diameter outer signal conductors and 0.65mm diameter inner ground conductors.
  • It still retains the same ultra-low capacitance and distributed inductance combined with a clean magnetic performance, characteristics which have enabled DNM’s cable designs to achieve uniquely accurate music reproduction for over 32 years!
  • DNM’s latest ribbon cable sets the conductor spacing and the Q of the cable structure to give very accurate tonal rendition to any music signal it carries.
DIY and usage guidelines are provided in the DNM website

So, I give it a try. Got hold of 2 plus meters of this cable. and its there in my table ready for preparation.

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Unlike other cables strain relieving is not easy it this cable with the connecter what I have. DNM advices not to use blades or cable sleeve striper as the blade mark on conductor may make it break while using it. I have experienced this in my Linton upgrade too. The best way is to melting the insulator using hot rod or solder iron (have to clean it). tinned the terminals of RCA and ends of conductor using Mundrof 9% silver and 1% gold soldering lead.

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Used 8 mm Heat shrink tubes to secure the cable and soldered it to terminals.
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Fully completed cables ready to hooked on between my CDP and AMP (Denon DCD 2500ne and Denon PMA 2500ne).
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A rear side view of interconnects hooked up in my simple rig.
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Thanks for sharing and good idea using the heatshrink tubing. I realize both my dnm interconnects have broken solder joints but that could be my bad soldering skills too.
Request you to check if the conductor breaks near solder, how did you strip the insulation?

This solid core cables will break if there is a mark of blade can make it to break.

Superb work. Looking forward to hear(from you) how it sounds.
Thank you. Need few more listening session to give a feedback on how does it sounds.
Request you to check if the conductor breaks near solder, how did you strip the insulation?

This solid core cables will break if there is a mark of blade can make it to break.

Thank you. Need few more listening session to give a feedback on how does it sounds.
Thanks balavignesh. Had been using them for over a year and pulled them out again after reading your post. It's my soldering that's to be blamed. I need to pay attention and not stress cable when removing connectors from amp.
I do remember using a solder machine to melt the insulation when stripping it. So all good.
How Does DNM v3 Interconnect Sound?

Have been using Mogami 2803 Interconnects and 3082 for long time.

Played Noting Hill SACD as a reference.

There very first thing I notice is, Music sounds pleasant and pleasing, Ears can take music easily with all details. Harsh less cables (TC) will sound muddy but DNM is not its clear and fluidic. One has to listen and experience it. After listening to DNMv3, I felt Mogami 2803 (terminated on Rean) is not smooth enough and dry on high frequency notes.

I took few more listening on this cable, close to 5 hours. Since my CDP Denon DCD 2500ne and integrated AMP Denon PMA 2500ne has same DAC built-in, I also compared DNM v3 with SPDIF Lifatec Silfex optical cable and Van Damme 268-875-006 (on WBT) silver plated solid OFC Coiax cable by switching the inputs on the remote.

If I consider sound output of optical as Neutral and Coiax as bright or more expressive, The output of DNMv3 is some were in between these two.
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