Any Luxman amps here

...once you decide the speakers then you can start looking at amps....

That's the way to do it. Often the speaker is the weakest link.
You need to hear the speakers yourself. Listen to what everyone has to say but use your own ears to pick what you want. You might like a not very popular speaker better ! But you will be happy with it !
Many expensive amps tend to have better finish and better power supplies than less expensive amps. But don't overlook less expensive amps just because of cost. If reviews say they are gems, audition them also ! They may surprise you.

I'm curious. Does anyone budget an amount to be spent on CD's and DVD's for the year ? After all you can't always come across all the music that YOU like better at your friends place. Their tastes might be different.

Take time over your selection. If I were you and spending so much money I'd spend at least 6 months over it , maybe even a year if required ! You will have to live with it , it's a second marriage. You can't complain later. :)

Have you posted any write-up on the 'Naim vs Luxman" with Compact 7 . Been waiting for this.

No Sir, like I mentioned my room is not yet ready for a decent comparison between the two...I have got the NACA5 speaker cables also so it will be interesting to compare them once I have some furnishings in place to remove the boominess currently...
Exactly what I had wanted to ask :).
Have you posted any write-up on the 'Naim vs Luxman" with Compact 7 . Been waiting for this.

Panditji, when do you expect it to be ready?
No Sir, like I mentioned my room is not yet ready for a decent comparison between the two...I have got the NACA5 speaker cables also so it will be interesting to compare them once I have some furnishings in place to remove the boominess currently...
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.