Any Windows 365 equivalent of the No root firewall for Android

Yelamanchili manohar

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2021
Hi all :)

I have extremely limited daily data limits for net connection. In my network usage, I can see microsoft edge and system using up almost 50 to 70% of my daily data limit. Iam only using chrome to access the net, and wish to block access to all other apps and services on my PC. I use "No root firewall" on my android phone which does a stellar job. Is there something available for windows, where i can enable or disable access app wise. Iam really dumb at computers, so something straight forward with out PC lingo will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Edit : Is there any alternate low data consumption browser. Something that consumes less than chrome possibly, please.
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Opera Lite
Firefox Lite

For low data browsing ;

(my fav since it blocks most ads including YT ads, and You Can Enjoy YouTube Ad free)
I assume, most new browsers can be customised for low data usage via optimization in settings, by limiting data limit, refresh times, reload etc.
Edit : Is there any alternate low data consumption browser. Something that consumes less than chrome possibly, please.
assume, most new browsers can be customised for low data usage via optimization in settings, by limiting data limit, refresh times, reload etc.

This could help, though it is for Chrome.

As often, there is an engineering compromise. Your web experience may not be optimal with the data saver turned on.
Hi all :)

I have extremely limited daily data limits for net connection. In my network usage, I can see microsoft edge and system using up almost 50 to 70% of my daily data limit. Iam only using chrome to access the net, and wish to block access to all other apps and services on my PC. I use "No root firewall" on my android phone which does a stellar job. Is there something available for windows, where i can enable or disable access app wise. Iam really dumb at computers, so something straight forward with out PC lingo will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Edit : Is there any alternate low data consumption browser. Something that consumes less than chrome possibly, please.
Edge has a scheduled task that periodically checks for updates and updates itself. Disable that scheduled task.

You can try blocking network access of an app by creating a firewall rule. Open the Windows defender then go to Firewall & Network protection > Advanced settings. In the Firewall advanced settings, click the Outbound rules then click New Rule in the right pane.

In the New Outbound Rule Wizard, select Program then click next. In the next screen, select this program path and browse to the app you want to block then click next. In the next screen, select Block the connection. Apply it to all connection type (Domain, Private, Public) then click next. Name the rule you created then click finish.

For Chrome, try the Save-Data: on extension. It does not work for all websites - it depends on the hosting web server. Basically what it does is that it compresses the data responses sent to the browser which the browser then decompresses the compressed data locally on receipt of that data. It can result in a lot of data saving IF you browse a lot and IF the web server honors (or has the capability) the request to compress. Google had a service (a proxy server) that used to do this for all websites but that has been sadly discontinued. I think Opera's and Chrome's data saving feature works the same way (proxy server).
Hi all :)

I have extremely limited daily data limits for net connection. In my network usage, I can see microsoft edge and system using up almost 50 to 70% of my daily data limit. Iam only using chrome to access the net, and wish to block access to all other apps and services on my PC. I use "No root firewall" on my android phone which does a stellar job. Is there something available for windows, where i can enable or disable access app wise. Iam really dumb at computers, so something straight forward with out PC lingo will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Edit : Is there any alternate low data consumption browser. Something that consumes less than chrome possibly, please.
I am in the same boat as you are (pun intended). No Root firewall is a lifesaver. The only proper solution to this problem is to convince your company to install Starlink. ;)
Is there something available for windows, where i can enable or disable access app wise. Iam really dumb at computers, so something straight forward with out PC lingo will be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Opera Lite
Firefox Lite

For low data browsing ;

(my fav since it blocks most ads including YT ads, and You Can Enjoy YouTube Ad free)
I assume, most new browsers can be customised for low data usage via optimization in settings, by limiting data limit, refresh times, reload etc.
Thanks krithik :)

Just installed "Brave " to start with.
type "taskschd.msc" to open Task Scheduler

Right click on these 2 tasks [maybe named differently on your installation] and click "Disable"

View attachment 82926
Thanks a ton @keith_correa , I again lost access yesterday after posting the above query. I had barely just read @drkrack recommendation, and got shut out again. In desperation, I deleted google chrome completely. And after getting access today, installed brave browser. Will see if there is any option in this to minimise data consumption as well.

Thanks @drkrack and @Nagaraj S .

@jsmithe ...thanks for the headsup on those links your goodselves posted. Will give them a try now. Will do anything to save data 🤣

@sayan00 our troubles started after the transition to starlink....we fared much better on V-sat 🤣
@jsmithe ...Thanks for the above links....looks like "Glasswire" is just what I needed :)
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