Anyone here listen to internet radio from outside of India?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Vijayangar, Bangalore

I visited USA for the first time in my life in late 1999 and post that have been there many times plus lived in London as well. in todays day and age, while we have all the music we need for free, sometimes I miss the charm of listening to live radio - particularly for popular English music.

Was wondering if some folks on this forum listen to such radio stations - normal radio or internet radio or whatever other formats one has.

Tunein radio seems one option but once it knows we are from India - guess our options of listening to stations in US and UK are limited. Maybe tinkering with it using VPN may work but I didnt try. Also their premium version is expensive

Tried googling for best pop music radio stations in USA and when I click on few leads - it takes me to iheart radio website but cannot find the actual radio station - guessing this again is due to login from India

It will be good to hear from you and also advice on how to listen to live radio...,preferably on my alexa/google devices with a simple command. There was an XDA link on using myTuner radio...again seems a limited list

Will be good if someone would help me get any of the below stations, preferably on Amazon or Google smart speakers in India
As you might have figured from the link, there is whole bunch of live radio stations from BBC, which you can listen from your streamer. I belive their android app is no longer available in India

i listen to few of them for passive listening.
Speaking of radio, miss Worldspace, Still have the receiver lying around somewhere in the house.
Take a look at this thread

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