Arm Chair Warriors

Not sure about professional life, but in a hobby such as this, I personally attribute more importance to an opinion or POV based on actual experience whether it is contray to what I belive or not, and will make the effort to verify that POV. At-least that is what I have been trying to do all along. Yes people get labelled in a public forum, and as was suggested earlier one must have thick skin and do their own research at the end of the day.
True and well said. I am not a fan of ASR but I think we can learn a bit about their objective measurements and incorporate a bit of it on this forum. I can see people blindly advocating use of power amps, more powerful AVRs without measurements. Maybe a bit of measurements won't harm anyone and the recommendation will also carry weight. Not everything can be measured in our hobby but a little bit of actual measurement and experience will be useful.
Of course people will have a problem with ASR if their super expensive equipment suddenly doesn't "measure" well.

This is a double-edged sword.

Everyone's ears and listening environments are different. The purpose of the measurements is to take that out of the equation.
Of course people will have a problem with ASR if their super expensive equipment suddenly doesn't "measure" well.

This is a double-edged sword.

Everyone's ears and listening environments are different. The purpose of the measurements is to take that out of the equation.
I feel this depends on what is measured. We can have extremely accurate measurements of aspects that may not matter much in isolation.

While impedance, volts, amperes and such indicators are all good for component matching, virtually every amplifier today will produce sound with any speaker today within reasonable listening volume levels.

I am not however listening for amps, volts and impedances…or even single components, the all important end result is what really matters much than measurements of individual components.

The overall performance and enjoyment of an audio set up or chain working in synergy in a decently set up room is still not measurable using any instrument except for our ears and brains.

While the role of objective measurements currently available can and should not be dismissed as unimportant it also needs to be tempered with acceptance of their limitations. These measurements would be critical for audio component engineers and designers and DIYers I am sure.

I am waiting for a good definition of “musicality” and indicators to measure this. Now that will be a seminal moment in audio
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There's another PoV to this labelling. Many times, a person having an opinion to the contrary of the other is labelled an armchair warrior just because their opinion is contrarian.
I think @sidvee defined the "armchair warrior" quite clearly; the one who makes a contrarian post without personal experience.
what makes the delusional but experienced person right and the person calling him/her out, wrong (or an armchair warrior)?
It's not about who's right and who's wrong. Even assuming that the poster is delusional, to post a contrarian view, one with a sane mind would need personal experience as a qualification to post it, right!?
Maybe better not to post at all and listen to music. That is what I am doing.
I am 100% following this approach. My current DIY activities have doubled compared to last year, but I have completely stopped posting anything.
There are arguments and counter arguments on every forum. Iam reading a 30 page thread on the "whats best forum" regarding modern DSP's. These are all "dyed in the wool" experienced chaps, swinging systems in the 100's of K if not millions of dollars. They've been to shows and dealers. Have extensive auditioning and in-home trial experience, and they still cant seem to agree with each other. So there is no convergence of opinion even at the stratosphere levels of gear with decades of experience backing it up.

We are after all only a Taga and topping forum, and should not expect any different 🤣
There's another PoV to this labelling. Many times, a person having an opinion to the contrary of the other is labelled an armchair warrior just because their opinion is contrarian.
There are times when people have actual experience but are delusional (a human being is involved after all) about that experience. When that delusion gets called out these labels start flying. In such cases, what makes the delusional but experienced person right and the person calling him/her out, wrong (or an armchair warrior)?
Just experience does NOT make a person right which I'm sure all of us have seen in our professional life. Just as theoretics does not provide all answers.

And to those who stop posting just because they think they will get a negative reaction to their posts - think again and learn to take this in your stride. It's only the internet after all. :p
one typical example from daily life is Indian driving situation on roads. There are people who had been driving for more than 50 years on road, an yet have no idea about basic driving rules or etiquettes. They may be good at manuevring away fast in a dangerous situation but a 18 year old who follows the rules to avoid such a dangerous situation is a better driver to me.
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