Atc scm19?

Indian pricing probably
Just below 1.5

Since every commercial mainstream market speaker manufacturer is doing that
It's not gonna affect their figures
Cause they will pay for the reviews
And people will generally trust them and believe that what they hear IS superior

Biggest case in point
Jbl used to have the best engineers
They produced and still produce some lovely speakers

However the regular stuff they are selling is junk

But then I don't fault them
Market dynamics
You go where the quicker easier money is
Bottom line is profits
And I never disagree with that thinking

Though they have recently started work on serious speakers
Under their luxury series branding
But then as the word suggests
They are out of reach for many
While one is with in his right to hold any opinion , but to me , I find that without commenting on main query regarding ATC SCM19 version 2 , your comments are general and perhaps a little harsh on otherwise one of the most well built up and tonally correct brand of speakers. In my audio journey of now close to 15 years , I have also either owned or listened many brands including some very known names , like harbeth spendor dynaudio b&w , quad ,Sonus Fabre to name a few, I find that ATCs are one of the best bets as a really serious audiophile effort and the scm 7 version 3 as Bargain speakers at offered price. The rough high frequency of ATC SCM speakers was the one thing for which they were being criticised , which have now been improved with a refined high frequency sound due to in house designed and built tweeters in all their newer versions
ATC SCM 19 is 17.5 kg , a bookshelf only and has about over 9kg of woofer.Such well built speakers can not be considered a compromise . But as different price levels still exist , the speakers will add on some value as we move higher in price band .
I would look forward to comments from someone who actually owns or has listened the new version of ATC SCM 19 , as comparison to SCM 7 and 11 besides improvement in bass.
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