Yelamanchili manohar
Well-Known Member
My last review was of the parasound halo integrated, probably 6 years back or so. I've had a few changes ever since, but never been compelled to write a review. And the current amps Iam going to write about, are not that great either. So why take the trouble of writing a review about amps, that seem to not match my other amps, at all the usual hifi aspects like imaging etc. Because there is a larger picture at play, and one which I want to convey through this review of mine. And I hope it helps others when auditioning stuff.
Knowingly or unknowingly, we get enamoured by the mention of " it sounds more detailed" when it comes to reviews. I chased the same, thinking that a more detailed sound is a better sound. I chased that to the point, where I stopped listening to music at all. It was frustrating to end up with an unenjoyable system, with all the money sunk in the bargain. The system as a whole ended up sounding so brutally detailed and transparent, that it was unlistenable and enjoyable was a word nowhere close.
So just by chance, I find a classified for these amps in our forum. And on googling, I find the below review :
And trust me when I say, the above was a completely paid review. the reviewer compares them to some CH precision amps, and thats really unfair. The CH gear plays at a completely different level.
Anyways, I will start with the review as per my title.
The reason I bought them was because they are claimed to be "No feed back designs", and as per my experience with my tube mono blocks which have that option, NFB design, sounds more tonally rich to me. The dynamic swings are larger. Voices sound more real. Everything sounds thick, with more weight on the bones. But on the negative side, they dont have that grip in the bass, and imaging is diffuse and not pin point. But considering my position of a detail overload, felt that these would deliver to mask details a bit and add that much needed musicality.
And as it turns out, I was not wrong. These have stupendous pace. Time and rythm like nothing else I've heard. Tonally rich, musical with a lot of note density. Should work superbly with lean sounding speakers.
So, after almost 2 years of dreading to switch on my system, now I look forward to playing music all day long. In my situation they work marvelously well. But I should mention that, these might be the wrong amps for a lot of folks too. Either which ways, these amps brought me back to listening to music again. That alone qualified for a review, and one should only consider them if they have lean or bright sounding speakers, but they will add that dose of musicality to anything you have.
Knowingly or unknowingly, we get enamoured by the mention of " it sounds more detailed" when it comes to reviews. I chased the same, thinking that a more detailed sound is a better sound. I chased that to the point, where I stopped listening to music at all. It was frustrating to end up with an unenjoyable system, with all the money sunk in the bargain. The system as a whole ended up sounding so brutally detailed and transparent, that it was unlistenable and enjoyable was a word nowhere close.
So just by chance, I find a classified for these amps in our forum. And on googling, I find the below review :

Audio GD Master 2H Mono Power Amplifiers
The Master 2H mono amplifiers amplify the whole truth and nothing but the truth but they combine their truthfulness with a very high level of refinement, fluidity and finesse to make for a performance that is not only spectacularly neutral but also highly natural, rhythmically infectious and...

And trust me when I say, the above was a completely paid review. the reviewer compares them to some CH precision amps, and thats really unfair. The CH gear plays at a completely different level.
Anyways, I will start with the review as per my title.
The reason I bought them was because they are claimed to be "No feed back designs", and as per my experience with my tube mono blocks which have that option, NFB design, sounds more tonally rich to me. The dynamic swings are larger. Voices sound more real. Everything sounds thick, with more weight on the bones. But on the negative side, they dont have that grip in the bass, and imaging is diffuse and not pin point. But considering my position of a detail overload, felt that these would deliver to mask details a bit and add that much needed musicality.
And as it turns out, I was not wrong. These have stupendous pace. Time and rythm like nothing else I've heard. Tonally rich, musical with a lot of note density. Should work superbly with lean sounding speakers.
So, after almost 2 years of dreading to switch on my system, now I look forward to playing music all day long. In my situation they work marvelously well. But I should mention that, these might be the wrong amps for a lot of folks too. Either which ways, these amps brought me back to listening to music again. That alone qualified for a review, and one should only consider them if they have lean or bright sounding speakers, but they will add that dose of musicality to anything you have.