Audio system location dilemma: Large Living room or small dedicated room?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
I am moving to a new house. While doing it up I am wondering if I should shift my audio system to a dedicated room or leave it in the living room.
My living room is large, very high ceilings (15 feet or more) , lots of room for the speakers to "breathe".
The dedicated room would be half the size, lower ceiling height (12-13 feet). I lose the space but I can close the door and have privacy and a more intimate space. Also advantage would be that I can put in room treatment.
Disadvantage: not a large space (my speakers -- Devore O96 --- are designed for larger space), cannot "share" music with others or make it the focus of the house or part of the house so to speak. And not sure how the speakers will sound in a small room.
Anyone face similar dilemma. Would love opinions on this forum before I make the call.
Dedicated room (depending on the dimensions). More scope for getting acoustic treatments in. You have such great gear why not see it sound the best without funky room acoustics in a living room? I’m thinking back to your Bombay flat with chairs strategically placed at the reflection points
I had a similar choice and similar room dimensions when we moved houses last year.
My dedicated room was a bit smaller and I chose it because of the option of listening to music with no distractions.

The floorstanders I had then (Adam audio pencil mk3) were putting out too much energy ((?) into the small room at volumes that were needed to make it come alive.

Long story short, I sold those and got a pair of harbeths p3es and couldn’t be happier. Yes, bass management is more difficult, I had to search for different amps.

But I can play music whenever I feel like without disturbing others (early morning, late at night). Overall I feel I made the right choice.

Putting a music system in the living room is a waste as after the first few seconds everyone starts talking and music is ignored.
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