Audio Vision India - Demo Rooms in Mumbai

They're professional, not warm. You feel like they're salespeople, not people who've invited you home for a coffee and incidentally also have audio gear for sale :). I prefer the latter, but can understand the first type as well.
Secondly, they can answer questions about their own gear, but don't have answers if you want to compare their wares with other manufacturers. They get a little defensive- I remember Burge at the expo in Delhi badmouthing the Audire guys because he didn't like the Magicos. I found it a little lacking in grace. But anywho...

Also, Bhagwan, your experience may not be the same as most of ours:)- everyone in audio in India knows you!
Tave answers if you want to compare their wares with other manufacturers. They get a little defensive- I remember Burge at the expo in Delhi badmouthing the Audire guys because he didn't like the Magicos. I found it a little lacking in grace. But anywho...

Also, Bhagwan, your experience may not be the same as most of ours:)- everyone in audio in India knows you!

Audire does not sell Magico - I think [again correct me if I am wrong]
Just because some one knows me - does not mean that they should treat me 'well' ?

I went to Audio Vision just like any other person can / could / would & should to listen to music in a controlled environment.
I wanted to buy 'nothing' & yet I was welcomed & treated well with 'poor' tea to start & a nice coffee to finish.
Music was nice & I spent a lovely Saturday afternoon @ Audio Vision Office / Demo Room.

All I can say is do not be 'pretentious' :p
Just be courteous & go with an open mind.
Go to listen to music & evaluate what you have heard.
Do not ask 'obtrusive' questions - do not 'touch' equipment [people do not like that] & enjoy your time there - go there to learn something [how to do up a room - how to place audio gear in a listening room]
The 'owners' [all 3] are very well traveled in audio - have been in the business for 3 to 4 decades & have a lot of knowledge - they can teach all of us a lot of things. They have owned international speaker companies in the past etc. etc.

If we are humble & receptive - there is lot we can walk away with.

It was a +ve day for me - hence I posted it here - else there was no need for me to write about it on the Forum.
I want others to experience it & learn from it - that way you can go home & improve your own set up etc. [not by spending money & buying audio gear]
You can learn how to place audio gear - route cables - place speakers - tune the room etc.
Try and take home +ve from your experience & not look for faults - that way you will never improve....

'bhagwan' was not born as some audio guru - I too started off with a Bose 301 [fake - first / made by Pandam] many decades ago & have worked [very hard] to climb the ladder & get where I am & there is so much more to climb....
I learn so much every single day of mu life - audio included.

BTW - I also purchased the 'REAL' Bose 301 there after before I moved on to get several things in Audio....that is a different chapter altogether; :o
I am not so sure if I could get myself classified as 'technical' but I did spend close to 3 hours @ the Demo Rooms & I did not 'buy' anything....

You are well known to Hi-Fi world.Also you were very active during Mumbai expo.
We other than forum not so known.It is really sad that we are not entertained easily in Mumbai like other part of India.(except very few dealers)

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You are well known to Hi-Fi world.

Also you were very active during Mumbai expo.

We other than forum not so known.
It is really sad that we are not entertained easily in Mumbai like other part of India.
(except very few dealers)


At least you came to the Show.
Many Mumbai FM's did not come to the Show.
However, I felt, you could have waited - spent some more time @ the show.
Made an effort to get to know the D & D's some other FM's etc.
Unless an effort is made - things will not improve. So I feel.

Maybe the question needs to be turned around - why are you [or any other person] not entertained ? Maybe some 'introspection' is required;
I do not know - nor do I have any answers - but the situation can only be improved by the individual - by crying foul no D & D will get up & start giving any person some 'respect' !
The D & D is there to run a business & for him business is 'sale' so unless gear is purchased, you [my you - I am referring to FM's or any other person] may or may not be 'entertained'

OT - If bhagwan drove up to a RR Showroom in an I 10 & asked for a Test Drive - I am sure Navnit Motors will not oblige.
But if Dr. came up in a Mercedes / Audi etc. A Test Drive would surely be arranged for - I suppose - I have no personal experience - so I should not comment - but this is my general understanding...:o
However, I felt, you could have waited - spent some more time @ the show.
Well I was there for two days.I did listen most of the setups in show.
I understand that they are after sale,but not everyone.
One FM from Mumbai was kindly attended by a Chennai dealer even after said clearly that he will not buy stuff.Dealer took interest and gave a proper Demo.
There is one Mumbai distributor who is very kind to give Demo and introduce new products.He believes people need to understand hifi in real world.
Comparing to them and based on personal I posted my views.
Well I was there for two days.I did listen most of the setups in show.
I never met you in my room - I was with Parasound & Dynaudio 8014 [I think]
We could have heard some music together - talked audio etc.
We could have even played with the speaker position & made changes etc to listen to what effect the change has on the sound etc.
maybe @ next show....
I never met you in my room - I was with Parasound & Dynaudio 8014 [I think]
We could have heard some music together - talked audio etc.
We could have even played with the speaker position & made changes etc to listen to what effect the change has on the sound etc.
maybe @ next show....

Sure next time,
I met you in Focal setup room(red Giants).I went to Parasound + Dynaudio twice,but missed you there.Mr,Rishi was there.I met some FM too in that room.
Audire does not sell Magico - I think [again correct me if I am wrong]
Just because some one knows me - does not mean that they should treat me 'well' ?

I went to Audio Vision just like any other person can / could / would & should to listen to music in a controlled environment.
I wanted to buy 'nothing' & yet I was welcomed & treated well with 'poor' tea to start & a nice coffee to finish.
Music was nice & I spent a lovely Saturday afternoon @ Audio Vision Office / Demo Room.

All I can say is do not be 'pretentious' :p
Just be courteous & go with an open mind.
Go to listen to music & evaluate what you have heard.
Do not ask 'obtrusive' questions - do not 'touch' equipment [people do not like that] & enjoy your time there - go there to learn something [how to do up a room - how to place audio gear in a listening room]
The 'owners' [all 3] are very well traveled in audio - have been in the business for 3 to 4 decades & have a lot of knowledge - they can teach all of us a lot of things. They have owned international speaker companies in the past etc. etc.

If we are humble & receptive - there is lot we can walk away with.

It was a +ve day for me - hence I posted it here - else there was no need for me to write about it on the Forum.
I want others to experience it & learn from it - that way you can go home & improve your own set up etc. [not by spending money & buying audio gear]
You can learn how to place audio gear - route cables - place speakers - tune the room etc.
Try and take home +ve from your experience & not look for faults - that way you will never improve....

I don't know if they deal in Magico, but they certainly did have a Magico/Devialet setup at the expo:)

I've had a pleasant experience at the store, as I said. I was commenting on the behaviour at the Expo, which was a little less nice.
And last (and this is actually a compliment to you:)- whether you were buying something or not, just by virtue of your reputation, the behaviour of a store towards you would be different from the average customer. IF Michael Fremer went to any store in the world, don't you think he would be greeted more warmly than I would be?
I've had a pleasant experience at the store, as I said. I was commenting on the behaviour at the Expo, which was a little less nice.
And last (and this is actually a compliment to you:)- whether you were buying something or not, just by virtue of your reputation, the behaviour of a store towards you would be different from the average customer. IF Michael Fremer went to any store in the world, don't you think he would be greeted more warmly than I would be?

@ AN - MF - is my favorite reviewer - in fact he is the only persons 'ears' I trust ! Interesting to note that you brought up his name;;;

However, some 'basic' differences;
MF is a Reviewer & that too with Stereophile.
He is a 'global' personality - every audio maker in the world knows who he is.
MF has a top end set up in his house - bhagwan has a book shelf speaker with a Studio DAC & Indian Amps;;;

All said - I want to thank you - this comment sure put a smile on my face & was a nice thing to read after a drag of a Monday...:)
I had been there few times and I had bad experience every time.
I went there without prior appointment and so the response from these people were like I did a terrible mistake.
Second time I went with our FM with appointment,still same attitude.After listening for 30min,they straight away said that they have short time as someone else has come for demo.:mad:
I feedback is negative for customer satisfaction.I know they have one of the best demo room,s in India,but if we cant enter all rooms even after appointment,whats use.
They like customers who talk less technical.
Very Sad.


I do not mean any offence, but from my experience, serious dealers worldwide do insist on a demo by prior appointment as they first try to understand the buyers preferences and line up 2 or 3 setups accordingly.

Their reluctance to demo equipment at random in their other rooms can be attributed to the universally accepted dictum that hi-end gear tends to sound its best after a sufficient warm-up period and no serious dealer would like to show off his wares stone cold. Also, financial capabilities aside, any buyer would quickly fall in the dealers esteem were he to insist on hearing hi-end gear that has not been properly warmed up. (I am only assuming here that Audio Vision India do not have all their demo equipment playing continuously during their working hours).

I have never been to AVI, but can vouch for the fact that elsewhere, I have always been given a guided tour through the premises with the dealer showing me his entire lineup with pride, but were I to ask for a demo at random, I am sure the dealer would not want to oblige, and I can understand why.


I do not mean any offence, but from my experience, serious dealers worldwide do insist on a demo by prior appointment as they first try to understand the buyers preferences and line up 2 or 3 setups accordingly.
Second time I went,a prior appointment was taken.I have mentioned the same in my earlier post.
Second time I went,a prior appointment was taken.I have mentioned the same in my earlier post.

Once again, it is not my desire to belittle anyone or jump to any dealers defence, I just wish to share my take on the way dealers generally behave, based on my personal experiences abroad over a number of years.

Many moons ago whilst looking for a pair of speakers abroad I obtained an appointment with a large dealer having maybe 12-14 demo rooms and mouthwatering equipment on display. He arranged for me to audition, if memory serves me right, a pair each of B&Ws, Linns and Sonus Fabers. After the demo was over, he showed me the other rooms where I saw a pair of Merlins. I requested him to play them but he politely declined and gave me another appointment after a couple of days. It should have been relatively easy, after all, I was already there at the showroom, the Merlins were also there and all that the dealer had to do was hook them up with the front end and electronics and play them. But he didnt. However, I understood the thought process behind his reluctance and have always kept it in mind.

Another experience was just the opposite. A few years back I was looking for a tube integrated for my bedroom, I obtained an appointment with another large dealer. I was pretty focused on what I needed, the dealer gave me various options over the phone which I declined as I was looking only for a small integrated, and settled for a demo of a couple of the lower priced Primaluna integrateds costing no more than 1.5 to 2K USD. After the demo which lasted for an hour the dealer, in this case the owner himself, with a gleam in his eyes said he wanted me to listen to their fun system and took me to his most prized demo room comprising a full top end MBL setup, probably running well into 6 figure USDs. Not only did he play all the tracks from my CDs which I had heard on the Primalunas, but he also played many more from his own collection which he felt brought out the best from the MBLs! So it takes all kinds to make the world

Also, we should not equate demos at Hi-fi Shows with demos at Hi-end dealers. At a show, the exhibitor is interested in the maximum number of footfallsif a sale takes place thats his good luck. A serious dealer, on the other hand doesnt care much about footfalls at his demo rooms. With equipment priced at 30-40 lakhs, he knows he is dealing with a very select clientele who do their research well and _will_ seek him out whenever they wish to make a purchase.

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