Audiophile Conference


Aug 27, 2008
I have this idea. How about a conference for audiophiles.

We usually have conferences in our fields.

One of our conference includes in house accomadation with presentations

in five star hotel in goa all the time.

They used to cost around 4-5k for couple now they cost around 4 for per person for two to three days inclusive of using their facility, accomadation and food

They do in off season.

So we can arrange a conference for a day or two with presentations from many of our well known members presenting and may be we can call some of our well known writers of our av max and what hifi.

We can do in any of the places mainly tourist or where they have off season something like that.

Hope this can thought of in the forum, just an idea.

shiva prasad
Great idea. Goa is great. Been there quite a lot and would love to visit again. Though not sure how traversing through Goa would be possible with a conference to attend. But still a great idea. Maybe all members could hire a bus and tour the place too after/before/between the conference.

Well I'd better stop. I'm talking more about Goa than the conference... but conference is a good idea. Having local audiophiles/members of HiFiVision from the same city interact too is a great idea, but not something everyone is interested in.
I was thinking of something along the same lines, but less of a conference and more of an extended listening session, with demo audio systems as well as systems belonging to users who would be inclined to bring them. Something like what they call GTG's. Ofcourse this would take a lot of logistics and volunteers. If anyone wants to spearhead this venture, I'd be more than willing to help out.

Its a great idea; although I would suggest we have a city based listening session or a meeting (get together) first to get to know each other well and then go for an all India get together.

Like all Bangalore and Mysore and near by city/town based members of this forum will meet together at a certain place during the weekend get to know each other and then take it from there that way people will be more comfortable with each other before going for the trip to goa.

Based on what I have seen guys/gals in this forum are mostly from


I think this is more practical than a trip to Goa for the time being but definitely in the long term we can plan for that Audiophile conference.

Pradski thanks for bringing up this topic.

Just my opinion.

The idea of Get Together / Conference is not new...
But the only problem is what and how...

Ok so now, let me take it forward...

Let us fix a date for around 16-17th of Whitefield...
We have a demo apartment out there...
We can provide you the demo out there for :
Q Acoustics
Systemline (Home & Office Automation)
Alphason Furnitures
and much more...

And even we can arrange the demo in there for Sreekanths
DIY Towers
Anaconda Cable
The RCA Connectors
and obviously his expert comments...

If you guyz can confirm me the same, then i will book the place now itself, and will complete my Delhi tour by that time...
Kindly confirm me the same...
I will then talk to Sreekanth as well...
I think there are some events already done by times etc. We can plan a group meet to coincide with those event. Besides those stalls in the events, we can co-ordinate with dealers like mridul to setup demos for us.
Being present as a group can be a good experience/ learning.
I think there are some events already done by times etc. We can plan a group meet to coincide with those event. Besides those stalls in the events, we can co-ordinate with dealers like mridul to setup demos for us.
Being present as a group can be a good experience/ learning.


Dont worry...
We are in process of working a Demo Apartment in Delhi-NCR as well...
90% the place is confirmed in Noida...
So, within 2 months to be max.. we will have our demo apartment ready for you guyz to audition our stuff...
I can make it for may 16 and 17th.

Anyway let me tell you. How one of our conference happens every year. Usually all our conferences we attend we pay to register around 3 to 4 k. in different places around the country. In this you get to attend the conf and food and cocktails are free. But accom and rest is on us.

Other one called spiral CT happens once in a year. here you pay around 4 to 5 k for a couple ( kids are free). From this year prices have gone up. almost double.
This package comes with accom in 5 star hotel in goa, you get to attend conf, food and the utilities of the resort are free. you have fun, attend conf and go around. YOur charge will be reaching there and rest is already paid for. And dinners are usually cocktail with a band playing. ( beers in afternoon are on your own anyway)

They will have stalls where the companies displaying their products for which they will pay for the stall and some companies also sponsor. so if somebody can kick start, this will work and companies will take care and it will work out to all of us.

It doesn't have to be in goa. It can be in any tourist destination where the family comes and use both, visit the place enjoy and learn.

Maybe somebody who have arranged conf s will know that this can work.

Lets see how all respond.
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I can make it for may 16 and 17th.

Anyway let me tell you. How one of our conference happens every year. Usually all our conferences we attend we pay to register around 3 to 4 k. in different places around the country. In this you get to attend the conf and food and cocktails are free. But accom and rest is on us.

Other one called spiral CT happens once in a year. here you pay around 4 to 5 k for a couple ( kids are free). From this year prices have gone up. almost double.
This package comes with accom in 5 star hotel in goa, you get to attend conf, food and the utilities of the resort are free. you have fun, attend conf and go around. YOur charge will be reaching there and rest is already paid for. And dinners are usually cocktail with a band playing. ( beers in afternoon are on your own anyway)

They will have stalls where the companies displaying their products for which they will pay for the stall and some companies also sponsor. so if somebody can kick start, this will work and companies will take care and it will work out to all of us.

It doesn't have to be in goa. It can be in any tourist destination where the family comes and use both, visit the place enjoy and learn.

Maybe somebody who have arranged conf s will know that this can work.

Lets see how all respond.


what u hv suggested sounds too gud n tempting...:yahoo:
bt the only constraint is time n money...
ask in this place how many of those wanna do tht...
i m in, but until there are not 50+ guyz its nt possible...

even i could have arranged a training session for all the members, for the Modular Controls using ABB, Systemline and a lots more...
that normally costs some Rs.5K including drinks and all, for a day...
but i can arrange it for some Rs.1K without our demo apartment, but again the input will be very less..

So my suggestion, will be to give a kick start to some meetings once a month, and then expand it to big conferences...
I would love a tourist dest,but it should also be a place where lots of mid. hi-fi is easily available. Any suggestions? Delhi/ Noida is certainly neither :-)

My opinion is to plan small meetings initially(region) and then take it from there and make it big later on. Many wont be interested to shell out money initially. Once we meet each other and share our thoughts face to face then more would be convinced about the idea would be ready to shell out money for whatever its worth.

Mridul thanks a bunch for taking interest we should get some other sr.members also to attend on 16th & 17th.

This forum has enough Bangalore based audiophiles who can share their ideas and thoughts regarding this I hope they also respond to this positively
absolutely wonderful idea folks!!would be awesome to hob nob with other forum members,not to mention glean a helluva lotta knowledge!!even so, as suggested the regional meets may be a good way to start(eg the blore/delhi/chennai crowd as the numbers are big),and depending on turnouts plan further.pradski,mridul,..great thread people!!!count me in!!!cheers

As per all above, i think we fix on 16 - 17th...
The basic idea for keeping it to dates is, if anyone is intersted in doing some kind of training program for Systemline(Automation), ABB(Lighting Controls), Abstract AVR (LED Lighting), and a few more, including the Study Material and all, we can plan something on Saturday, 16th May 2009...
It will be charged but in minimum, and will require atleast 10 people...

And on Sunday we can have just a demo cum get together cum discussion kind of program...Free...hehe...Snacks on me...LOL...

And anyways, please confirm for Sunday and the Saturday as well...
What happened to this plan?
I just happened to read this thread now. Seems like a good idea. Is this still on?
nice to see this heading somewhere and quickly too might i add!!unfortunately will not be able to make it on the proposed dates as am currently abroad on work and waitin for my annual leave to be able to get back home.even so,will be following this thread close.good work guys:clapping:,keep the momemtum sure there are a lotta people who would be interested in makin it.
absolutely wonderful idea folks!!would be awesome to hob nob with other forum members,not to mention glean a helluva lotta knowledge!!even so, as suggested the regional meets may be a good way to start(eg the blore/delhi/chennai crowd as the numbers are big),and depending on turnouts plan further.pradski,mridul,..great thread people!!!count me in!!!cheers

agreed. . . But no love for mumbai:(

dont get upset....

our demo apartment in Guwahati will be up by June 1st week...

Next will be Vaashi(Mumbai) n Delhi n Chandigarh...

Delhi will be up by June End or July first week...
and Chandigarh n Vaashi by August to be max...

wer are planning for completing total 5-6 demo apartments/villas by year end...
I think you are doing a very interesting demo chain business model. Will these be places like "friends'" houses or will you be renting these places all year long and use only for commercial purpose? It might cost quite a lot!!!
Good for demo taking guys though.
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