audiophile jokes

^ Analog is running with Digital Support. :D I am sure this support is to improve the sound quality :D
That is so very true for all of us :lol:

Psychology is the most complex thing than all.

2-5K is very very audible, even to the most hard of hearing. I haven't measured anything, but I suspect this is at work in my current setup.
But for plain music (rock, metal, jazz especially) if you cut down the 2k-5k you suppress all the voices, and it can make for a very good listening experience. That's why "good rock speakers" typically make horrible movie speakers. Voices are not their cup of tea.

I think I concur
I had an observation in general. Not a joke per se.

To most people - hooking up an audio system ranks right up there with getting gum surgery. To us, we do it for entertainment. Its called an entertainment center cos its so entertaining to hook it up.

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