audiophile jokes


Nah man, it’s a shooting star. And you’ve shot yourself in the foot! 😊
Kinda funny thing happened today. I played a few songs of Salil Chowdhury for my father and went away with the amplifier set at medium levels. My children came back from school and changed the music to some pubg world tunes. My father got so bored that he left the place and went to my wife and said "you are not properly upbringing the chdren". My wife got scared and called me to come and told me everything and when i came back asked my dad as to what the kids did? He said they have the audacity to turn off the old is gold tunes and instead put up some barbarian hippie music :) the way he said that cracked us up. I was/we were thinking they did something really naughty and it was a silly audiophile joke cartoon like issue.
Charles Rodrigues, a regular contributor to many publications including Stereo Review, the precursor to Sound & Vision formulated these laws/truths.

Laws of Acoustics

Truth 1
– Any idiot can design a loudspeaker and, unfortunately, many do.

Truth 2 – You can say anything you want, who's to prove you wrong?

Truth 3 – [In speaker design,] the right amount of magnet is the right amount of magnet.

Truth 4 – The only transient of significance in the audio business is tranquility. It is also the briefest.

Truth 5 – Accuracy of reproduction is determined by how well a sound system models someone's warped set of preconceived notions.

Truth 6 – In audio, as elsewhere, foolproof systems prove the existence of fools.

Truth 7 – Price buys not performance but paranoia.

Truth 8 – The most outspoken experts on concert hall sonic reality have seldom, if ever, been to a concert.

Truth 9 – The more money spent on an audiophile system, the less time spent on listening to music.

Truth 10 – In a minimum phase system there is an inextricable link between frequency response, phase response, and transient response, as they are all merely transforms of one another. This, combined with minimalization of open-loop errors in output amplifiers and corrective compensation for nonlinear passive crossover network loading, can lead to a significant decrease in system resolution. However, this all means nothing when you listen to Pink Floyd.

Truth 11 – All small state-of-the-art manufacturers are really manifestations of Phineas T. Barnum

Truth 12 – The audio business is no place for reasonable people to make a living.
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