I might pass through Kottyam in early July. I usually spend my birthday on the backwaters around Alleppey, but my poor wife is fed up with always going to the same place ...so I thought we might keep my regular, but take in one or two new places as well, and Kottyam is certainly on the list of possibles
...Played with a lot of gear but never dare to touch the vinyl stuff as i know that it demands much higher skill level and patience!
Truly wish that i would be able to listen to your setup once....i am sure that those gems and your matching skills will create a wonderful experience for an audiophile!
Whoa! Please remember that, for almost half of my life time, vinyl (and even shellac in my childhood) was all we had. Nobody thought they had to be clever to use a turntable, because it was, simply, how everybody played music! Of course, a lot of our LPs got dreadfully scratched and worn, especially back in the day of cheap boxes with ceramic cartridges.
So please don't be over-awed by a turntable*.
You are mistaken. You don't need any special skills to operate Vinyls. In fact, it is the most fascinating equipment. You can tweak it and tame it to sound how you want to by changing Cartridge, changing phono stage etc . Many of these things you can't imagine doing on a CD player. Join the Bandwagon and enjoy the Magic of Vinyl Bro !
Exactly. If you have, or want to start collecting, LPs, you can begin with the most basic of TTs and just listen to music. From there, the possibilities are endless: you can stick with the basic TT, like I did --- or make a life of it like Jacob!
*ok, have to admit that when I visited DrBass I thoroughly enjoyed but refused to actually
touch his TT! :lol: