The Profx guys did manual setup(no audissey) on my 1612.They set the xover at 100Hz and bass sttings at LFE+Main(100Hz).
But in the manual of Denon it is recommended to keep the xover to 80Hz for large spks(higher for small spkrs) & bass settings to 120Hz.
Do u guys can suggest me what to do?
I have checked with both options but couldn't understand any difference
HI Santanu
I had recently bought a 1612 and had done all the calibearation myself so had struugled a lot and finally came to Audessy and a few tweaks which will give you the best results.
First of all the biggest mistake that people make is by setting LFE+Main. It is best advised to change this to only LFE at 80Hz. LFE+Main passes the lower frequencies to both the floor standers and the subwoofer, something that is called Double bass in Onkyo.
Let me list down the steps to follow for your configuration,
1. Connect all your speakers and use the test tone to check if sound is coming from all speakers. This will ensure that all speakers are connected to the right ports.
2. Connect the Audessy mic. You will be automatically prompted for the the auto setup. Click next.
3. Place mic (static, try not to hold in hand) in your primary listening position and click next for the test beeps.
4. For 2nd position place mic to the left side and for 3rd position place mic to the right side of primary listening position.
5. For 4th and 5th keep mic in front and back of primary listeing position.
6. You can now skip the 6th position or keep mic behind 5th position. i.e. 2 steps behind primary listening position.
7. Once done with all positions, let Audessy do the calculations.
8. After the calculations do the following tweaks,
i) Go to speaker configuration and select the front speakers as ''Small'' irrespective of if you have FS.(This will enable bass management)
ii) If LFE+Main is selected then change that to only LFE and set to 80Hz (this will be the bass setting)
iii) Check the cross over frequency. If you have FS then it would show 40Hz. Change that to 80Hz.
iv) Now if the bass level is not sufficient then go to Tone level and increase the bass level. (sorry not able to remember the exact menu)
The above setting will give you the best bass management for music and movies. For movies if needed you can change the LFE setting to 120Hz.
Happy listening