BAD NEWS :: Panasonic may end plasma HDTV production soon

More on a lighter note ... ;)
There is a difference between that thread and this new thread. The old thread rumored about Panasonic not making plasmas in 2013. This new thread rumored about Panasonic not making plasmas in 2014. So what's next ? 2015 ???:lol:

On a serious note. Though speaculations are going around, Panasonic might continue to provide plasmas until both Sony/Panasonic comes out with the OLED. Apart from that, Panasonic might even continue with the Plasma as long as Samsung/LG is also continuing with Plasmas (I may be wrong with this point though).
This news deserved a new thread as the news and sources are new with global perspective, its quite clear now that Panasonic will shut down their Plasma division soon, 2014 is not far, its next year!!

Here are the important points from the source article:

"Panasonic planned to end plasma TV panel production at its main plant in Amagaskai in western Japan around fiscal year 2014, the Nikkei said, adding that the company had already written off the value of production equipment there."

"The Japanese firm has already halted new development of plasma TVs, and decided that handling both plasma and LCD models would be inefficient"

So, the end of Plasma is near, obviously Panasonic wont announce it now as they want to make money by selling as many as possible before shutting down.

The Reuters article link: Panasonic considers exiting from plasma TVs: Nikkei | Reuters
Guys...The 50 series (2012) of Panasonic plasmas were all made in Thailand except the VT series i guess. Another way to look into this rumour is that maybe panasonic is shifting its entire manufacturing to Thailand from Japan.

I havent seen the "Made in Japan" line on their plasma TV ads since the 2011 series..

Panasonic is not doing any good in the LED/LCD market due to its outsourced manufacturing strategy and hasnt offered any benchmark product yet in the market...The prices are also not competitive enough for people to consider it as Value for Money option...dont have anything to speak about PQ yet..

The current biggies i.e. Sharp, Sony, Samung and LG have a stronghold in the market and are ahead by leaps and bounds. It will really take a revolutionary piece of value-add and years to even catch up with their market share..

All said and done OLED sets are a still good 3 to 5 years when a average consumer would start buying them (companies to make significant profits) or people to start thinking about switching over from the current investment into LED/LCD...

Guess this is what i think and i might be completely wrong ....Panasonic might actually exit the Plasma business ......we do have an example....Pioneer did exit a few years back when the market was just beginning to gather steam...
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Guys...The 50 series (2012) of Panasonic plasmas were all made in Thailand except the VT series i guess. Another way to look into this rumour is that maybe panasonic is shifting its entire manufacturing to Thailand from Japan.

I havent seen the "Made in Japan" line on their plasma TV ads since the 2011 series..

Panasonic is not doing any good in the LED/LCD market due to its outsourced manufacturing strategy and hasnt offered any benchmark product yet in the market...The prices are also not competitive enough for people to consider it as Value for Money option...dont have anything to speak about PQ yet..

The current biggies i.e. Sharp, Sony, Samung and LG have a stronghold in the market and are ahead by leaps and bounds. It will really take a revolutionary piece of value-add and years to even catch up with their market share..

All said and done OLED sets are a still good 3 to 5 years when a average consumer would start buying them (companies to make significant profits) or people to start thinking about switching over from the current investment into LED/LCD...

Guess this is what i think and i might be completely wrong ....Panasonic might actually exit the Plasma business ......we do have an example....Pioneer did exit a few years back when the market was just beginning to gather steam...

Yes, Even I was thinking what PannY was planning to do exiting plasma business. Ourcompany has won a software Project foradvanced LTE base stations For a Japanese telecom giant very recently. Usually these giants give the project To more than one party at the same time.
guess who the other party was! Panasonic.
I think Panasonic is diversifying into different businesses.

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Guys...The 50 series (2012) of Panasonic plasmas were all made in Thailand except the VT series i guess. Another way to look into this rumour is that maybe panasonic is shifting its entire manufacturing to Thailand from Japan.

I havent seen the "Made in Japan" line on their plasma TV ads since the 2011 series..

Panasonic is not doing any good in the LED/LCD market due to its outsourced manufacturing strategy and hasnt offered any benchmark product yet in the market...The prices are also not competitive enough for people to consider it as Value for Money option...dont have anything to speak about PQ yet..

The current biggies i.e. Sharp, Sony, Samung and LG have a stronghold in the market and are ahead by leaps and bounds. It will really take a revolutionary piece of value-add and years to even catch up with their market share..

All said and done OLED sets are a still good 3 to 5 years when a average consumer would start buying them (companies to make significant profits) or people to start thinking about switching over from the current investment into LED/LCD...

Guess this is what i think and i might be completely wrong ....Panasonic might actually exit the Plasma business ......we do have an example....Pioneer did exit a few years back when the market was just beginning to gather steam...

May be someone can correct me ... I think Panasonic makes plasma panels in Japan (and in some other Europeon country) and the entire sets are assembled In Thailand and in other locations.

With respect to Pioneer, Panasonic case is bit different. Unlike Pioneer, Panasonic was/is into mass production of plasma and it was/is still holding the major chunk in Plasma sales. Their brand is mainly known only for Plasma. So my guess is that Panasonic might not exit plasma so abruptly like what Pioneer did. Again, these are just my thoughts and nothing is certain. Pansonic will surely exit plasma, but by when is what the question is. It could be either in 2014 or in another 2 or 3 years by when OLED comes into mass production.
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