Programming Universal Remotes


Jan 26, 2016
Bangalore, India
Sharing some of my experience with programing IR universal remotes.

As of now most devices come with either bluetooth or wifi and so the pairing of the remote is using this or through controller apps.
However is case the device supports only IR or if you use a 3rd party IR dongle that may be hooked up with your devices, then using an IR universal remote becomes possible.

I share here my experience with a simple value for money universal remote namely inteset 422-3
It is programmable using the JP1 controls, usually One For All remotes from Universal Electronics, Inc. (UEI) support JP1 programming.
UEI also supplies remotes to other manufacturers, including Sony, Radio Shack, and Sky.
Though the inteset 422-3 it officially supports for upto 4 devices, it can actually be programed to support more.
I have managed to control 8 devices. This however requires the remote and a specific cable that connects the remote to the USB of the PC (Mac or windows)

Although Inteset does not support such programming using the remote's JP1 connector, some users may want to use this option.
If a user decides to engage in this process it may void the Inteset warranty on firmware/software related issues.
They however will continue to cover any hardware issues that may arise in the first year.

Below is the experience using JP1 connector and available 3rd party software to program discrete buttons on my Marantz Receiver.

Its an elaborate process and needs some reading. Below is a summary of my work. Each device vendor usually publishes their IR remote codes.
I found the Marantz codes for AV8805 and other Marantz devices at:
Please note that not all devices would have discrete codes, but the Marantz 8805 does and uses RC5 for the base and RC5x protocol for the extended discrete codes.
To program the Inteset INT422-3 you need a USB cable that can be found at
Also the RMIR software that can be found at
Then, using the cable, connect the Inteset INT422-3 to the USB of the computer where the RMIR software has been installed. To connect the cable to the remote the following is the pin connection that worked for me (again some reading and research at the JP1 site)
Top Row: X Black X
Bottom Row: White Green Yellow
If you go by the pins
6 - White
4 Green
2 Yellow
3 to Black
Connect the USB end to the computer where the RMIR software has been installed. RMIR is a java program, so the software will need java installed. Then change directory to the folder where RMIR was installed (basically unzipped) and run java -jar remotemaster.Jar
To connect the remote: on the menu select Remote -> Interface -> JP1.X.Serial and the USB port that is listed there. The rest of how to program needs some reading at
After finding the codes for your devices, one can define macros that help use the IR signals in sequence and turn on and switch channels etc for multiple devices with a single key press. I was able to program 8 devices and multiple sequences including TV, Amp, Media Player, the correct channels, lights, fans, Air conditioner etc. So it is quite powerful.
Back to discrete codes.
There is another software called IrScrutinizer that helps read the IR codes but needs a hardware reader and even so finding the discrete codes may not be possible, since there is usually no direct key press for those on the original remotes.
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