Basic question on LPSU (Allo Shanti)


Active Member
Nov 6, 2018
I am trying out the Allo Shanti LPSU and have a basic query : Is it ok to leave the LPSU powered on all the time ? Any reasons why this shouldn't be done ?

This is my chain :

Local files on External HD > USB > RPI 4 > HifiBerry > Coax> Dac/amp

Im powering the RPI with Shanti and intend to replace the Hifiberry with Digione Signature when it becomes available
One thing that cropped up in my mind, is allo open for business at all ? Some forums have people writing to them with no answers. Most have assumed they have shut shop post covid.

Anyone has any concrete news about Allo ?
I am trying out the Allo Shanti LPSU and have a basic query : Is it ok to leave the LPSU powered on all the time ? Any reasons why this shouldn't be done ?
As long as have it after a voltage stabilizer, you should be fine. I had my allo shanti fuse blow out once. The IEC socket has a small compartment with an extra spare fuse. I leave it off because I have some kind of OCD lately with power consumption. And I switch it off after shuttdown down my allo usbridge connected to it.
This is my chain :

Local files on External HD > USB > RPI 4 > HifiBerry > Coax> Dac/amp

Im powering the RPI with Shanti and intend to replace the Hifiberry with Digione Signature when it becomes available
All of their raspberry pi/raspberry pi compute solutions are out of stock. The new raspberry pi stocks have just hit the market last month. So it will be a wait and watch to see if the products come back in stock
One thing that cropped up in my mind, is allo open for business at all ? Some forums have people writing to them with no answers. Most have assumed they have shut shop post covid.

Anyone has any concrete news about Allo ?
I had called them a few days back, and had inquired on the silence/inactivity from their end for some time now.
The COVID era component shortage is over, but not really over for smaller players like Allo, because the the suppliers (in this case Texas Instruments) have minimum order quantities which don't make sense for small players.
As long as have it after a voltage stabilizer, you should be fine. I had my allo shanti fuse blow out once. The IEC socket has a small compartment with an extra spare fuse. I leave it off because I have some kind of OCD lately with power consumption. And I switch it off after shuttdown down my allo usbridge connected to it.

All of their raspberry pi/raspberry pi compute solutions are out of stock. The new raspberry pi stocks have just hit the market last month. So it will be a wait and watch to see if the products come back in stock
Thanks for this. I have a stablizer but somehow I've been unlucky with the piece I ordered. Had to return it as it went dead (not a fuse issue).
I had called them a few days back, and had inquired on the silence/inactivity from their end for some time now.
The COVID era component shortage is over, but not really over for smaller players like Allo, because the the suppliers (in this case Texas Instruments) have minimum order quantities which don't make sense for small players.
Hope they don't fold. They have a top notch designer Johan from France. Two of their products, digione signature, allo boss player have got lot of acclaim. They went extra mile in designing low noise solutions. The PCB and the automated placing and soldering of SMD components on the boards is very good. However wherever they have to do manual soldering (like wires, usb sockets, other sockets, etc), I have seen very poor workmanship. In two of the cases (revolution dac and usb signature), I had to resolder usb sockets. Also in the class D amp (volt d+), the left and right channels were reversed because of wrong soldering of wires from the pcb to the speaker terminals.
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Well, I was seeing 'order now and receive the product in 7 days' for allo shanti on fabtolab. I called them up. They told if I make the payment, they can deliver in 30 days. I made the payment already, like a couple of weeks ago. Today I saw Allo Shanti is 'out of stock' on fabtolab. Hopefully, my order will be delivered soon. I guess, ALLO isn't shut down yet.
Hope they don't fold. They have a top notch designer Johan from France. Two of their products, digione signature, allo boss player have got lot of acclaim. They went extra mile in designing low noise solutions. The PCB and the automated placing and soldering of SMD components on the boards is very good. However wherever they have to do manual soldering (like wires, usb sockets, other sockets, etc), I have seen very poor workmanship. In two of the cases (revolution dac and usb signature), I had to resolder usb sockets. Also in the class D amp (volt d+), the left and right channels were reversed because of wrong soldering of wires from the pcb to the speaker terminals.
Hand soldering quality should be easy to fix. Quality control may possibly not be in their top of list things to do.

But lack of communication to retail customers including warranty issues is not helping them or Johan in any way. The slide down maybe faster than they can say Jack Robinson.

Retail business is tricky and issues with it also adversely affects a corporate business in many ways. The fact that anyone thinks the two businesses are insulated from each other is a myth.
May be a month back, it was available for order which I did and picked from their warehouse/office. Since then it is on and never off ,directly connected to power socket.
So yes they are still in business but most of products are out of stocks. Writing them over mail is also invain.
Hope to see this company to revive in terms of their superb products in their inventory soon.
FabtoLab have sold me my 2 Shanti s and 1 Nirvana. They seem to be in the dark on certain supplies as no clarity has been given to them by the manufacturer. On the topic of leaving the Shanti on , I have mine on from the time I have got it [ over a year ago]. Perfect, no problem
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