Best DTS Movie(s) ?

Here are my favorites (Some are already listed earlier)

  • Band of Brothers (One of the MOST expensive project; another master piece by Steven Spielberg)
  • Blue Man Group (Video songs; you will really enjoy)
  • Matrix Trilogy
  • LOTR (Extended Editions)
  • Terminator II
  • Hero (Jet Lee movie)
  • Crouching Tiger/hidden Dragon
  • Master and Commander
  • Gladiator
  • Blade II
  • Se7en
  • The Day After Tomorrow
  • War Of The Worlds
  • Die Hard series
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • The Bourne series (identity/supremacy/ultimatum)
  • Behind Enemy Lines
  • Blackhawk Down
  • The Incredibles
  • Water World
  • X-Men 2/3
  • X-Men Origins Wolvorine (To be released on 15th)
  • Fast and Furious (2009 movie)
  • The fast and the furious, 2 fast 2 furious

You can also get a list from DTS site

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"Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World" cannot be beat in Bluray DTS HD MA sound format.
"First, it shows off the superior dynamics of lossless audio. Second, the audio engineering of Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is a landmark achievement in film history." - From Bluray
I am Legend.
Pirates of the Caribbean.
Latest Batman series - Dark knight etc.
Horton hears a who.

Also downconverting to a dvd is going to cause a loss in resolution.
Dvd max supported res is 720x480 also called 480p.
HD is 1280x720 also called 720p.
Full HD is 1920x1080 a.k.a 1080p.
This would mean lower picture quality which would be easily disernable on a full hd led/lcd tv esp 40" and above.
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WOW!!! Thread is live after 5 Years.

In this period lot of movies has been released with good DTS. This thread help you a lot.

Some movies are:
Blood the Last Vampire
Death Race
Deathly Hallows Part 2
Die Hard 4
Fast Five
Fellowship of the Ring
Green Zone
I Am Legend
Independence Day
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park 3
King Kong
Lawrence of Arabia
Legend of Korra
Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Order of the Phoenix
Pacific Rim
Rambo 4
Scott Pilgrim
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Avengers
The Book of Eli
The Expendables
The Hobbit - Escape from the Goblins
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hunger Games
Transformers ROTF
Underworld: Awakening 3D
Universal Soldier Regeneration
War Horse
DTS is so pass now. None of the movies in DTS are reference standard, not anymore.

Case in point Black Hawk Down, still excellent, but still only 5.1. Compare that to something like John Wick in Dolby Atmos and its an entirely new category of surround sound experience, 200% more immersive.

John Wick is the new reference standard, though for good measure Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, the Blu-ray version with DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 is also exceptional and will hold its own against anything.

Most of the DTS movies I have like LOTR trilogy, Transformers trilogy, even Jurassic Park trilogy don't measure up anymore. The Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy Blu-ray (in DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1) is a major improvement over the DTS versions. Inception with DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 is another top pick, and also because its an amazing example of high definition audio and video and an excellent movie in a nice package.

But thanks to the folks sharing the movies, gives a good list to start off with for some amazing PQ and SQ in Blu-ray.
+1 rahuln.

I watched johnwick in 5.1 it was awesome :).
Especially the first scene when they beat with a iron rod, i really felt something is happening near me :ohyeah:
Folks, I saw Cast away again after many years. Still liked the sound of the waves, especially where all other sounds are quiet and u just hear the waves when Tomhanks lands on the island for the first time.
The Conjuring is just amazing when watched in DTS. Watched several horror movies, but The Conjuring was the one with best sound effects, worthy of a horror movie when watched in DTS!
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