Hi again, first of all, one can't deny it but Bose does have a brand value (which I wouldn't mind, prime reason why I am considering B&W or Focals at the first place


About Mr. Chawla, I know him personally and have visited him a few times as well. But, the point that you have missed completely is that Procinema 1000 isn't available for demo! He does have a Mezzo FS (don't remember the model number) on display which he himself is fed up off as well as a deftech 7.2 package in a dedicated HT room, which I previously mentioned that I did not like the boomy and over the top bass. I did visit him 1.5 years ago and at that time, he did have a BP 6/8 on demo alongwith bipolar surrounds which I liked. They weren't there this time. He has promised me for an audition of brand new BP10's which he would open for me to demo along with no obligation to purchase which is great! He has also quoted me for the CM9 theatre at the delhi dealer price which is nice, yet to consider discounts. I was suggested Focals by him yesterday along with Navin Advani, and that's how I saw them, and boy, they look beautiful as well. I almost couldn't change up my mind on B&W until I saw them. So now, I am considering either Bose V35 for my room and Focals/B&W for the dedicated HT/lounge bar in my house OR Focals/B&W in my room as well as a bigger and badder setup in the HT Room as well

About Bose and content played on it, I would like to share my experience here as I did carry in my stuff some blurays as well and demoed it yesterday on V35. Trust me, they weren't sounding wrong at all. Infact, I loved it!! I know it's not VFM either but point is, tell me one brand that is considered Premium BRAND WISE (one that you can flaunt as well) and is VFM? If you would think about it, you'd find that same is the case with B&W.
The 685 theatre I guess is again good for music and not movies, you've felt the same as well right? AVSForums and other sites as well, many users have posted their similar experiences with B&W products, best for music and good for movies. This is why since yesterday, I have started considering Focals as well mainly because, one great premium brand, excellent looks, aesthetically beautiful & great sounds and effects for movies. Mr. Chawla has told me that it's any day better than CM9 if movies is my thing, which actually is. For music, he agreed for CM9. Focals 836v 5.1 package has been quoted at 4 lacs + let's say 1 lac for the AVR + 50k for cables = 5.5 lacs.
CM9 + 1 lac avr (3313 for e.g.) + cables + installation etc = 7 lacs approx.
*I plan to add a power amp next year as for now, I have the budget of 7-8 lacs only. So why not buy the best thing now and slowly add more to it when budget allows. Also, I would be considering a projector + screen later when my room is complete. As of now, there's no provision of wires in the false ceiling. Guess would have to rip it apart and do it again. In my 13' wide wall, the available space minus the door = 9'6". So I think I can retain the 51" plasma, and occasionally pull the screen down for better movie experience. Only challenge right now is what screen size to pick which wouldn't hide my speakers as well*
In either case, I'd be spending a lot of money on any of these systems. Also, I don't personally want to settle for something below 1 lac rupees for the AVR + Speakers. No offence intended. If you would get the idea now, I am looking for great sound for movies as well as little music along with a PREMIUM BRAND. I don't know what went wrong with your Bose auditions but I have been a Bose customer for 3 products from past 4 years now and during each time that I purchased something from them, I have always auditioned V35 (since it's launch in May 2010). Initially, I was saving for V35 only but then the greedy mind wants me to spend more and get a system that I won't have to upgrade for let's say another 10-15 years. I want to come back from office, enter my room and be amazed at how beautiful my setup is not to forget how wonderful it sounds. I should adore it every time I play something on it. I would like to buy a system now and retain it as an asset simply because I am always short of time to research again and again and audition a lot of stuff. Though, with Bose, I am now feeling that if I buy it now, there are good chances that I might be done with them (personal interest wise) within 1-2 years. So that's the confusion. They offer great sound but at a steep price. I guess even you don't like them because of the price they ask and not because of the sound. I can be wrong here as well as it's personal preference. I have not met anybody till date who dislikes the sound of Bose products. For price, there are tons of complaints. I agree to that price factor.
Oh my gosh!!! U are back to Bose??? Anyway I guess if u want to show off the brand value Bose is perfect... But what use would be Bose's brand value in ur bedroom... Sound wise just take any small satalite speaker set from good companies like deftech B&Ws focal etc under 1-1.25 lacs with a 30-50k reciever take it to the Bose showroom & watch it tear the Bose apart... Infact u don't even need a 1.5 lac system... U could kick the Bose v35's ass with a 50k system like the deftech 600 plus a cheap 30k AVR... Do u know y Bose sounds nice in their showroom??? It's coz they allow only songs that work nicely with their system to be demoed... Ask them to play ur CDs, mp3 or maybe a 5.1 connected to a HD DTH & watch them stutter while they tell u y then can't allow that... Anyway I actually like ur brother's idea of investing in a lounge bar... There are a few fun things u can do there & it would have a large enough space to do justice to ur 5-10 lac system... U could add a projector setup & invite ur friends over to watch cricket/football matches & even add a bar & a pool table for some fun evenings... Last sunday we did something like this during the test match & lets just say all our family friends have decided that on every series final or imp match like ind vs pak they will be having a party in our house

...In ur bedroom I would suggest either stick with ur present onkyo or if u want to upgrade just invest in a good under 1 lac satilite package with either keeping ur present onkyo avr or buying a decent 30-50k avr(I would recommend marantz 5007 or higher)...
PS I spoke to the deftech distributer for India & he informed me they have a dealer whom they suply to in Ludhiana itself... The dealer is Chawla watch & co which is situated near the clock tower... Mr Chawla's mobile number is 9915080055 ... Pls audition the deftech procinema 600-800 with ur onkyo avr & see if u like the sound... Or else B&Ws too has a good satilite package for 1.25 lacs that I liked a lot although they were better for soft music while I liked deftech better for music with more bass & movies... Audition properly & decide but pls do reconsider not going for the Bose ones...