Best Speakers under 50K

Thanks Jasdeep!

I think that my preference for bookshelf would be the Audience 52 also. I need to convince myself that a bookshelf will sound better. Moreover I would need to spend another 10-15K on the stands. That would bring my cost up.

However I am leaning towards the MA RS6 floorstanders at the moment. Looking to listen to the Tannoy Fusion F4 soon!
At 50K i would also recommend you to listen to Tannoy Eyris DC1, very good speaker. Renowned Tannoy Dual Concentric driver mated with supertweeter.

both Dynaudio and Tannoy are good speakers. Its just the matter of which suits better to your taste.
Hey! Jagat I had also given a bookshelf a thought, but I had space constraints + I was not satisfied with any bookshelf around that price range as I always found the bass to be a bit extended + there were also other colourations.But I admit that i had not given any floor standers a serious listen. In the end I feel & agree with Jasdeep that sound is an extremely personal matter.
50K spent on a bookshelf will provide you with a more musical and better sound than 50K spend on a floorstander.

Keep this in mind while auditioning loudspeakers.
50K spent on a bookshelf will provide you with a more musical and better sound than 50K spend on a floorstander.

Keep this in mind while auditioning loudspeakers.

Cannot agree more.

Besides in a small room [under 200 sq. ft.] a book shelf will be more 'musical' than a floor stander

Ok, now that I have more or less decided on the electronics (NAD 352 Amp + NAD 542 Cd Player) I have to probably carry these with cables to audition the speakers. First stop will be IQ5 & IQ7 and then it will be the MA RS6.
Cadence ARITA pair is 45K + VAT = 50K
Cadence stand 14K + VAT = 15K

ARITAs will beat each and every brand in Book shelf category and some floor standers such as B&W, Monitor and Dali.
The Cadence is a great speaker;

However, I would have liked to have seen that tweeter changes from a Vifa Aluminium to a Silk.

Besides, I think it is 'over priced'
@ Rs. 65/- VAT & Stand included.
I have not heard the Cadence ARITA so I cannot comment, but if you get a chance listen to the Dynaudio 52's. The 352's will not have a problem driving these speakers.
I have not heard the Cadence ARITA so I cannot comment, but if you get a chance listen to the Dynaudio 52's. The 352's will not have a problem driving these speakers.

I have ARITAs with stands for about a month and extremely happy with it. Though slightly expensive but they worth every penny. For Indian Classical, Western classical and Jazz there is nothing you can find that can beat ARITA. I have auditioned B&W 602s , Monitor Audio ( Bronze and Silver series) and Dynaudio 52's and finally went for ARITRs.

ARITAs really shine when paired with Valve or hybrid amps. I have Jolida 100 wpc hybrid and VDH cables and ICs.
Rock and Jazz are two very different genres. A speaker performing both of them really well is not easy to find (atleast when you are on a budget).
I would suggest you can try out

1. Monitor Audio RS-6
2. Kef iQ5/7
3. Dali Concept/Ikon Series
4. Acoustic Portrait MS-301 (A Bangalore based brand, which makes high quality speakers) check out, .

I own the acoustic portrait MS 301's. I listen to Jazz and classic rock. Believe me, nothing under 80k can touch these when it comes to coherent, dynamic, open, natural sound. You owe yourself an audition:)
I have ARITAs with stands for about a month and extremely happy with it. Though slightly expensive but they worth every penny. For Indian Classical, Western classical and Jazz there is nothing you can find that can beat ARITA. I have auditioned B&W 602s , Monitor Audio ( Bronze and Silver series) and Dynaudio 52's and finally went for ARITRs.

ARITAs really shine when paired with Valve or hybrid amps. I have Jolida 100 wpc hybrid and VDH cables and ICs.

Hi SuhasG,
You are right that Aritas a great speakers for Classical and Jazz....but its also true that they are not great all-rounders !!! :)
So paying 65k (with stands) makes meaning only when you hear mostly those genres for which these speakers suit the best. Otherwise there are better options available...Audience52 for example does all the genres very decently.

Its also true that Cadence shines with tubes...With solid states...they are okay IMO.
I own the acoustic portrait MS 301's. I listen to Jazz and classic rock. Believe me, nothing under 80k can touch these when it comes to coherent, dynamic, open, natural sound. You owe yourself an audition:)

Thanks for recommending me to hear these. As a newcomer I have never heard of this brand. It is really a shame that we have such good speaker manufacturers in India (like Cadence and Acoustic Portrait) but they do not seem to be very popular with the general public unless of course we hear them from audiophiles like you.

I will give them a listen.
Hi Jagat,

Did you listen to IQ5/IQ7, MA RS6 and Acoustic Portrait speakers using your NAD setup?
If yes, could you please share your experience with us? I am starting a similar exercise for my NAD C372 Amp.

Hi Jagat,

Did you listen to IQ5/IQ7, MA RS6 and Acoustic Portrait speakers using your NAD setup?
If yes, could you please share your experience with us? I am starting a similar exercise for my NAD C372 Amp.


Hi Sharad

I have heard the IQ5 and RS6 with the NAD 352 and I prefered the RS6 to the IQ5.

The RS sounded more complete and involving (musical) where as the IQ5 sounded clinical and non-musical.

I am in New Zealand , I bought onkyo tx sr875 amp and samsunf bdp1400 blu ray . and i am looking to buy speakers . i saw jbl escape series and klipsch rf 82 , i dint hear them but heard the other models and i mainly use them hor movies a lot . can u plz suggest which one to go for klipsch are nice but jbl have got high out put can u please tell me which one to go and to set up a 7.1 system what would be ur recommendation .
The audience 52 and Aritas are two different animals altogether. I personally like the arita but some others I know like the aud 52. I think the user will have to check it out with his own electronics and music. The aritas will excell if you listen mostly to acoustic, vocals, westerna classical, jazz, classic rock etc....More of a music lover's speaker:)
The 352 will drive the arita well but the aud 52 will need a beefier amp to extract the best of of it.
Hi Jagat,

Did you listen to IQ5/IQ7, MA RS6 and Acoustic Portrait speakers using your NAD setup?
If yes, could you please share your experience with us? I am starting a similar exercise for my NAD C372 Amp.


The last time I checked the acoustic portrait MS 301's (which I currently own) against the cadence diva's, I preffered the AP's. It was more open, detailed, with a wider sound stage. I checked them against each other in the same room with the same electronics with all sorts of music.
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