Well-Known Member
The know devil vs unknown angel
Wanted to pick your brain on this since you seem to know what exactly to do. what is the typical kind of flavour one could add ie is it usually any particular frequency range one can modify on the main signal or is it some kind of harmonics/timbre control etc ?
It's hard to put a name to each flavor but there are so many ways to manipulate the sound that I can't really cover it. Typically adjusting time/frequency throughout the band can yield a lot of differences.
If as you allude, Roon is likely manipulating the signal, that "manipulation" is also termed DSP. DSP is a terminology used to refer to any alteration made, in the digital domain, to the original signal data. At what stage it is done is of no relevance.
Of course it is, but with external DSP you control what you get but with Roon you don't have any control. I can't speak to stage but external hardware based DSP that is designed for the job sounds much better to my ears than PC based DSP.
Are you saying that output that is bit identical sounds different?
IMO if a player produces output identical to the file then that is "normal", if it deviates then it modifies the sound, better or worse is subjective. Note I don't say that it should be identical to the file, rather that I prefer JRiver (even if it is modifying the signal).
Edit : For Roons lack of control I mean what Roon does with it's own DSP turned off.