Blu-tack available in Chennai


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
Chennai, India
Hi all,
I was hunting for Blu-tack across various stores in US. They had similar products but I was looking for the Bostik Blu-Tack as I heard very good ratings from my friends in US/UK. It was supposed to be the best.

We have discussed the use of Blue-Tack in length so I am not going to discuss it. The main use for me is to stick my speakers to my granite speaker stands.

Well, I was so disappointed when I couldnt buy in US (cant wait for Amazon to ship) and the only way was to buy in UK. I had asked one of my Team members to get it for me when he returns from UK next Feb.

Last evening went to Connections to shop for some stationery stuff for my wife and I saw Bostik Blu-Tack stacked!!!!!!!!!! Its exactly the stuff i was looking for and knowing Connections I hope this isnt duplicate.

Its priced around 109 rs. I bought two of them :) They have enough stocks.

So if you are looking for Blu-Tack get it from Connections . .

To all forum guys: If you cant find it in your location, let me know I can buy for you guys :)

Blu-Tack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UPDATE: Sorry, I misquoted, its Connections and not Odyssey. I have major doubts on the authenticity of this. The package says Blue-Tack it should say Blu-Tack. Anyone else has seen this package?

Check fake pics at:
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Last evening went to Odyssey to shop for some stationery stuff for my wife and I saw Bostik Blu-Tack stcaked!!!!!!!!!! Its exactly the stuff i was looking for and knowing Odyssey I hope this isnt duplicate.

Its priced around 109 rs. I bought two of them :) They have enough stocks.

So if you are looking for Blu-Tack get it from Odyssey.
Hi Ram,

That's great news, I was looking for some. I was wary of substituting it with any other stuff. Which Odyssey store is this?
Capt: I bought it in Velachery Odyssey and they said its available in all branches and that they have been selling it for 2+ years. They also have Tack-it by FC.

Hemant: I tried every possible store in Chennai and couldnt find it. Post some shops in mumbai so people can buy
Lemme check again ,but I remember I bought it from Novelty ,Goregaon East or Anupam Goregaon East. Again it was 2001/2 so will confirm when I visit that place...
Available easily in Bangalore. I got them at a shop near SP Road a few years ago. For those on the other side of town, Tools n Trades on Commerical Street has them.

I have been using them between my speakers and stands with good results for the last 3 years.
how do you remove your speakers once you have bonded with blue tack?
It is not permanent glue. It is a dough like thingy. You can pull your speakers seperate with little effort and and re-use the blu-tack as long as it is clean.
Ali also suggested me to use blue-tak to stick my speakers to the speaker stands.
@ Hemanth Bhai, Thanks a lot for letting us know that its available at Anupam stores.
Thanks Ram, was looking for this, incidentally y'day was at Odyssey at Express mall, but was in a hurry, so didn't notice.I'll pick up a few this weekend

BTw, do we need to isolate the granite slab and the stand also with blue tak?
Blu - tack is available at almost every stationery store in Fort / Fountain.

One point to remember is to remove the blu tack from time to time (maybe once a year at least) as in our weather it can leave an oil stain. Secondly best way to remove old blu tack is with new blu tack!!!!! Yes it actually removes the old tack easily and entirely.

Its great to make the book shelf speaker a bit safer especially if there are children around. I had pets and had to use it only for the purpose of added safety but some audio freaks claim it actually improves the sound!
A noob question....

What is blu tac??? whats the use of it in hifi??

It is a byproduct of a scientific experiment gone wrong. In the field of hi-fi, it is used to ensure that the speakers especially bookshelves are attached to the speaker stands and not topple over.

You would've got all this information and much more had you clicked on the link that the OP has provided in his post.:)
It is a byproduct of a scientific experiment gone wrong. In the field of hi-fi, it is used to ensure that the speakers especially bookshelves are attached to the speaker stands and not topple over.

You would've got all this information and much more had you clicked on the link that the OP has provided in his post.:)

Thanks Bro..

already went through the wikipedia link... but was wondering what's its use in HiFi.... :)
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