Bookshelf Speakers for Zone2 (Small room)


Active Member
Mar 4, 2011
Hey guys,

I am considering adding couple of bookshelf speakers to my home office room which is sized 8 x 6.5 feet. It will be placed on my table which will be arm's length from me.
Considering that the speakers could be so close to the listener, are there any challenges when choosing speakers?

I intend to hook it up to Zone 2 of my Marantz SR 7005 receiver. It will be played in 2.0 setup only with no subwoofer.
  • Speakers should have good bass.
  • It will be used for music only - not limited to specific genre. Prefer something that is balanced with emphasis on bass.
  • Passive bookshelf speakers - powered by receiver amp output.
  • Budget prefer less than 25k.
  • Considering that the room is small, it will not be played very loud.
What are my options? Prefer recommendations from folks who have experienced the speaker being recommended :).
I understand the prices of electronics have shot through the roof. Does the same apply for speakers too?

Note: My current setup has 2 surround speakers of PSB Image B6. Can I do better than them?
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I also had exactly similar requirement with Yamaha RX 685. One challenge is to get imaging with so less distance. Did lot of search and went with KEF LS 50 (used one). Extremely happy with my decision. If its expensive you can Try KEF Q150. Else other option would be to go with Studio Monitor speakers, they are designed to provide good imaging within close range. But most of them are active.

But trust me, you will never regret how much ever u spend on LS 50. vocals are amazing.
for that small a room, i would suggest the smallest hifi speakers available. in that budget 'PSB' have some options which reviewers have said work well in near field situation. Otherwise in a near field situation Concentric/coaxial speakers like KEF work well
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