Bought home a LG 50PK550 PLASMA

Okay first of all thanks for the input, but i wouldn't recommend playing ps3 on a new plasma as other members have suggested especially on the LG set with their past IR issues, so please be careful,

Also when the break in period is over try and play some fast paced games like street fighter 4 or for that matter some shooting games (not killzone as they have lag issues inherent to the game itself) maybe something like modern warfare 2 or any fast paced first person shooter, cos i tried super street fighter 4 on this set this sunday when i went for a demo and there is a definite input lag.
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So basically there's a humongous difference between playing PS3 games in SD and HD?
Undoubtedly. Playing in HD is like playing an altogether different much superior game.

The sad part is that people are so ignorant that even though they havew a FullHD TV and a PS3, they continue to watch Blu-rays and play games in SD. Why, because no one bothered to tell them that instead of using the bundled 'composite' cable with the PS3, they need a HDMI cable to output HD from the PS3 or they just have their PS3 setup incorrectly outputting only 480i. I have actually come across three such cases myself.
Report about any IR when you switch off the lights and TV tonight.

We watched full episode of Indian Idol on Sony TV and some other channel prior to that. No IR was noticed once I switched off the TV and lights. Of course, we were careful to change channels in between.

I wonder why set top box providers can't ensure that their own logo and logos of TV channels keep shifting minutely on their own. This will ensure that chances of IR are reduced considerably. Mercifully, LG provides this option for PK550.
Okay first of all thanks for the input, but i wouldn't recommend playing ps3 on a new plasma as other members have suggested especially on the LG set with their past IR issues, so please be careful.

Can someone please explain why playing PS3 on a new plasma will lead to IR problem?
Okay first of all thanks for the input, but i wouldn't recommend playing ps3 on a new plasma as other members have suggested especially on the LG set with their past IR issues, so please be careful,

Also when the break in period is over try and play some fast paced games like street fighter 4 or for that matter some shooting games (not killzone as they have lag issues inherent to the game itself) maybe something like modern warfare 2 or any fast paced first person shooter, cos i tried super street fighter 4 on this set this sunday when i went for a demo and there is a definite input lag.

Not a gamer myself, I wonder how a delay as low as 60ms is perceivable while playing.. :rolleyes:
Can someone please explain why playing PS3 on a new plasma will lead to IR problem?

The score board, life bar, ammo etc occupies the same location in the screen throughout the gaming session of hours. This is a 'potential' IR candidate.
Not a gamer myself, I wonder how a delay as low as 60ms is perceivable while playing.. :rolleyes:

Okay here is how an input lag is perceivable to the human eye, i am not talking about the magnitude of it, like how much people can see, first of all i have to state here that CRT's have negligible input lag and most of my gaming prior to this i have done on a CRT, also i am only talking from my experience playing these games on the new HDTV's, i am taking the example of street fighter 4, now when u try and hit those combos u have to hit quite a number of buttons at the same moment or one after the other in order to trigger that particular move or combo hit, now that is when the dreaded input lag plays havoc with your timing, eventually you might get used to it since it is human nature to adjust itself to it's surroundings, but for first timers you won't be able to hit those combos which u were able to hit very easily before, the reason for this is because that ms of input lag between each button press keep on adding itself with every consequent button that has to be pressed in order to be completed (now u might ask how they add up, here is the explanation, from the point of the player hitting the button and the same effect taking place on screen is the input lag and then again the time that takes for you to analyze the effect that has happened and your brain reacting to it by pressing the next button we forget to take that into account, that is how it adds up itself for every other button, that is why the level of input lag is different from person to person, those who have played games for quite sometime have in return sharpened one's nervous system, that is what is termed as a person's skill and why some are better at playing games than others, because their body have adapted by making itself quicker and sharper, and similar thing will happen when u keep on playing with this input lag that your body will adapt to it where the input lag is not too much, but that is a subject of another discussion, but for a layman one can understand why first time gamers fail miserably when trying a new game, but when they keep on playing for some time they master the same game at which they sucked at first), now it is the same reason why some reviewers say that an input lag of more than a certain limit is not good for fast paced games, now what happens in fast paced shooting games is that you have more than one enemy on screen and that again results in aiming and shooting at them very quickly those small delays again get added up and screw up your timing

Now that is why i said that the LG set is not suitable for hardcore gamers, and i specially added hardcore gamers in that sentence, because for a casual gamer these differences won't be perceptible, it is the same concept that why people who review the sets extensively can make out the difference between the different levels of color reproduction, whereas a person who rarely deals with them will be wowed after seeing any plasma display, i am sure u can relate to this, i added the review of teazle from bluray forum and quoted from his review for this sole purpose only, because what he has written is from a hardcore gamer perspective, I never said that this display will be useless for gaming, but if one was to read my previous post i have clearly mentioned that for a casual gamer this set will do the job, but for a person who is buying an HDTV just for sole gaming purposes or for that matter their usage might be above 80% in the games department, for that purpose this set would be disappointing, and i am not trying to put any brand down, i am just stating from my experience of which i had while i demoed the set this past Sunday.

In addition u can read from wikipedia about this

I am quoting from the above link the reason why i have posted such a detailed explanation because input lag is felt and is very hard to see, because it depends from person to person on his or her skill/level/ability

Testing for input lag

Input lag is easier felt than seen. As such, proving the existence of this phenomenon requires these things: a test display (the display being measured), a control display (usually a CRT) that would ideally have no input lag, a computer capable of mirroring output to two displays, stopwatch software, and a high-speed camera pointed at the two displays running the stopwatch program. The lag time is measured by taking a photograph of the displays running the stopwatch software, then subtracting the two times on the displays in the photograph. This method only measures the difference in input lag between two displays and cannot determine the absolute input lag of a single display

Here are some videos that might be helpful
If u can forward the video to 1 minute on the time line u will see what difference it really makes, the input lag is ~46 ms (about 3 frames delay) and way lower than the value of 68ms as said by you, now there is no fast paced action going on and still there is a definite input lag, so one can well imagine what it will be like while playing games or when the action is very fast.

But again u have to remember it depends from person to person and how their bodies have accustomed themselves to the surroundings or the kind of activities they indulge in, it is for the same precise reason people who play games develop a better reflex system, because their nervous system gets accustomed to faster reflexes and actions, and basically that is what define skills of a person in a particular activity, the more a person does an activity the more skillful he becomes in doing it, like u are considered by some a very knowledgeable person in displays, now u have acquired that over time, and it didn't just drop into your head like the matrix, so if u are not very fond of games there is a little possibility u will be able to detect the input lag, but if u have been playing games extensively and that too on a CRT monitor which has a negligible input lag then input lag will not be such a big thing to detect even with one's own senses.

Thanks !!
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Can someone please explain why playing PS3 on a new plasma will lead to IR problem?

Yes as blasto explained it, for example like in GTA 4 the HUD at the bottom end of the screen stays at the same place for the entire session of your gaming and usually while gaming one gets engrossed in it so much, he loses track of time, and then that will result in you seeing the HUD even after switching of the game, also the potential risk of a burn in also increases for the same reason.
Undoubtedly. Playing in HD is like playing an altogether different much superior game.

The sad part is that people are so ignorant that even though they havew a FullHD TV and a PS3, they continue to watch Blu-rays and play games in SD. Why, because no one bothered to tell them that instead of using the bundled 'composite' cable with the PS3, they need a HDMI cable to output HD from the PS3 or they just have their PS3 setup incorrectly outputting only 480i. I have actually come across three such cases myself.

Played some more PS3 (Uncharted 2) today and watched cable TV for couple of hours. No IR issues at all (took normal precautions). At the cost of repeating, I would like to draw attention that following features are available on this set for avoiding IR: -

Image Sticking Minimization (ISM) Method

If image sticking is never a problem, ISM is not necessary - set to Normal.

Orbiter may help prevent ghost images. However, it is best not to allow any fixed image to remain on the screen. To avoid a permanent image on the screen, the screen will move every 2 minutes.

Colour Wash
The colour block with the screen moved a little and the white pattern are alternately displayed. It is difficult to sense the afterimage occurred while the temporary afterimage is removed and the colour pattern is operating.

White Wash
White wash removes permanent images from the screen.

Note: An excessive permanent image may be impossible to clear entirely with White Wash.
does it has pip (Picture-in-Picture).
because Samsung 50c550 has it.
in fact all new Samsung 50" plasma tvs have this feature in them.

If you are gonna use DTH, there is no use of PIP as all DTH channels will come in the same AV channel.
Even otherwise I see little use for 1 tuner PIP which is what is present in the samsung plasmas. Only 2 tuner PIP is useful which is not available sadly.
If you are gonna use DTH, there is no use of PIP as all DTH channels will come in the same AV channel.
Even otherwise I see little use for 1 tuner PIP which is what is present in the samsung plasmas. Only 2 tuner PIP is useful which is not available sadly.
But you could use two seperate video sources and take advantage of the PIP. For eg. while watching a movie on DVD, while keeping track of the match score on your DTH box. Just one of them any examples I can think of where a single tuner PIP is useful. In fact, considering that our tuners in India are pretty much redundant now, a single tuner PIP is as good as a double tuenr PIP.
Hey congrats Vchounal. Great purchase decision! This model seems to be a really good one with nice reviews. Don't forget to post back with your initial experience, and pictures of the TV and menu options. Best of luck and enjoy your TV!

Hey BlackPearl,

PJ350? I thought only the PJ560 series is the lower end series, according to the LG India website. Even the PK550 is not mentioned on the website yet, but people are already buying these TVs with Croma being one of the main retailers across the country.

Anyway the PK550 is full HD and is available only in the 50 inch size. PJ350 as you said is a HD Ready model (maybe the panel resolution is 1365x768). This means the TV is still fully capable of playing SD and HD 720p material. And trust me (like most others would agree), 720p itself looks fabulous.

You really can't make out much difference between 720p and 1080p at a 42 inch size, and at the 50 inch size, you have to be less than 6 feet away from the tv to see any difference. Now I am sure, if we get a 50 inch TV, we'd sit at least 12-14 feet away (I have planned my seating position at 16-18 feet for our yet to be purchased 50 inch plasma). And at that distance, you would simply not be able to make out any difference between 720p and 1080p material.

Blu ray movies (discs), blu ray rips, etc look fabulous on a 720p panel, whether the source material is 720p or 1080p.

So don't get carried away by the Full HD mania - it's just a gimmick.

Check out this link for more info:

1080p Does Matter Here's When (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution) |

Go ahead and pick up the LG 50PJ350 if you are happy with it. But the thing is, usually there is at least 10-20k difference between the HD ready and full HD models of the same brand, whereas here, between 50PJ350 and 50PK550, there seems to be a difference of only around 8k which is good. So the extra 8k here maybe worth it.

However SD content won't look very good on full HD panels in general, though some panels like Panasonics are good in this area.

Blasto, please give your inputs on this too.

Hope that helps!


Hi Venkat,

Thanks for your advice above. I finally bought the 50PK550 Full HD @67.6K instead of 50PJ350R HD ready @58K. Delivery & Install scheduled tomorrow.
I feel its worth paying that extra bucks to future proof yourself.

Shall keep you posted on its performance.

Cheers! LG rocks!
Wow congrats on your new 50PK550 BlackPearl !! Scarlet, Vchounal and now BlackPearl - we now have 3 owners of the LG 50PK550 plasma !! Great going guys. If all goes well, I will also be an owner of the 50PK550 in another 2 months (planning for end July / early Aug).

But meanwhile guys, please post pictures of your plasma setup, menu options etc here on this thread. Also give us feedback on the picture quality with respect to SD (Divx dvd rips, DVD playback, DTH) and HD (blu ray disc playback, blu ray rips, HD demo clips etc). Would love to hear from you guys on these. Another main point would be temporary image retention (TIR) and the black levels.

I know overall the 50PK550 has got very good reviews, but nothing beats the feedback from the owners themselves!

Enjoy your TV BlackPearl!

I bought LG 50" Plasma PK550, for 67,680(INR). LG asking for 18550/- for 3 yrs extended warranty, excluding 1 yr warranty(routine).Is it worth?
Kkc01 - Congrats on your new 50PK550 plasma!! I guess the owners' count for the PK550 is really growing!! We now have 4 owners for the same.

As for the extended warranty, I think the price is somewhat high but there is no doubt that it would be worth it. When we got our 42PQ70 plasma last July, LG asked for 11k for an extra 3 years warranty and we took it. Probably since the 50PK550 is the top end 50 inch plasma, the 3 year extended warranty is more expensive. I feel it's worth it, since most electronics fail (if at all) just after the warranty, and repair for plasmas can be expensive.

All PK550 owners, please post pictures of your setup!! :)

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