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integrated already has a well matched pre/ power 

I have grown up with the good old British theory that the quality of the source (including a smooth power supply)and the interconnects are the heart of the system. One can pick and choose the amplifiers and speakers later depending upon ones listening tastes, listening area, budget etc.
going pre-power is "special" case. Unless you really need it or have a lot of money to throw in it is generally wiser to stick to a quality integrated amp.
integrated already has a well matched pre/ power![]()
Just curious, have you already finalised the source? Also, what music do you normally listen to?
Microflex -
Symphonic Line makes integrateds with MC and MM. Starting from the RG14 Edition to the Kraftwerk. I think Accuphase provides this as well, not sure if all Luxman models provide this. The SL RG14 Edition can be had for less than the Bryston power amp you are referring to
I am being offered a Bryston B60R amplifier with Remote Control (60+60WRMS@ 8 Ohms 100+100WRMS @ 4 Ohms) for Rs. 45 k.
The sources are various valve and solid state tuners, an Akai reel to reel tape recorder (1/4" four track), a Nakamichi cassette deck and various direct drive turntables (I'm a keen collector of miscellaneous junk). I may also listen to CDs using my Akai player or Sony laptop.
I listen to Western and Indian classical and light classical music (including opera and waltzes), jazz, a little folk music, ghazals and film songs.
What kind of amp and which make and models do you advise?
B60R is a very good integrated but i am not sure how much it is worth these days in the second hand market. if the price is right i think it will make good music with less power hungry speakers.
DNA-1 on the other hand has great drive and will be rolled off,warm.
IF you are looking at integrated amp then you should consider the musical fidelity A308(in the used market), i've listened to that on few occasions and must say one of the best integrated amps i've ever heard at any price.
If you have already finalized the Kef ( I wish you have not done that) then look for amps like the Marantz, CA, NAD, Rotel and used amplifiers like Cyrus, Arcam, Marantz Premium series. All these comes for similar budget.
Microflex -
Symphonic Line makes integrateds with MC and MM. Starting from the RG14 Edition to the Kraftwerk. I think Accuphase provides this as well, not sure if all Luxman models provide this. The SL RG14 Edition can be had for less than the Bryston power amp you are referring to
I have not finalised the KEFs and am considering various options, including a pair of Quad 22L2s. Since you have owned and listened to these speakers over a period of time, it would interest all of us to know what your listening experience has been with them. I hope you share it with us since these are highly regarded speakers and many of us would like to know more about them.
Would the Quads sound better driven by the Cambridge Audio Azur 840A or by the Roksan Kandy L III? Or do you recommend some other amplifier, preferably an integrated one as, like you, I would like to avoid the complications of a pre power set up.
Regards and looking forward to your views.
Would the Quads sound better driven by the Cambridge Audio Azur 840A or by the Roksan Kandy L III?
Dear Miroflex Buddy. The quads are very good. I still have the quad22L and not L2. My experience with the Quads are very good and I think they are now outclassed by the Dali's and JM Labs and B&W 6 series. But when I purchased the quads ( around 4-5 years back), they were the market leaders and i liked it very much till i listened to B&W.
I have used various amps with my quads including the Roksan kandy , Arcam ,Nad pre power, Rotel, Cyrus and the Naim (loan from a dealer). Out of these amplifiers I would any day go for the Naim and then the Arcam. The Cyrus was good but very thin sound. The Nad ( 208 power and C160 pre) was a good match but not as clean as the naim and the Arcam. The Roksan was not able to drive my Quad's and even my tannoy 603 ( book shelf) and so had to return it to the dealer.
840A is a pretty damn good amplifier for the money, you need to partner it will a speaker which is forgiving though.