Budget DAC/Amp! Schiit or something else?

Avoid DFR, not worth the price or the hype. If specifically looking to drive dt770, any decent portable dac/amp will do like, Schiit Fulla, ifi Nano, or some DAP .

After reading a lot of articles and comments here, I think I will skip the DFR.
between ifi hip dac and fiio q1 which one do you think is better in terms of sound.
Also, I dont understand what channel imbalance if very clearly.
There is no good or bad dac. They are all good. Get the one that fits your budget, input/output requirements, chip and topology type. All dacs sound different, so if possible try out dacs in your system and pick the one that sounds best to you. Your tastes and preferences are different from others as your ears are different from others.

There is no good or bad dac. They are all good. Get the one that fits your budget, input/output requirements, chip and topology type. All dacs sound different, so if possible try out dacs in your system and pick the one that sounds best to you. Your tastes and preferences are different from others as your ears are different from others.

actually I differ from above view-point.. at entry level differences in DACs are marginal, as most of them are run of the mill datasheet/eval board implementation prescribed by manufacturer. Though same DAC chip with better design around it, i.e. PSU (analog/digital), IV stage, digital receiver can change/enhance SQ (dont quote me on it :P).

But since you are looking for DAC/Amp, the amp section of the unit matters and thats where i have issues with dragonfly series (they literally have none). Its basically a DAC with volume control.

I havent tried either fiio Q1 or ifi Hip dac, but I own and like Fiio Q5, you can get a used one for ~15k if you look around. That has very good implementation of DAC stage and amp module is swappable.
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