Budget DAP or DAC


Jun 25, 2011

My present audio set up is like this:

PS3-Optical out - Fiio converter - Marantz PM 5004 - Wharfe 9.0

My TV is also connected to this set up. To my non-audiophile ears the system sounds decent. I have a decent collection of FLAC files which I burnt into Audio CD in order to play in PS3. There is a marked differenc in quality of output when audio cd is played in PS3 as compared to 320 kbps files.

But being a impatient listener, I like to shuffle my music collection a lot and am now getting tired of audio CD burning thing.

Future planning:

I am about to buy a HT and have decided to hook up PS3 to the HT to act as CD/BR player. Further, I am planning to get a desktop for music and photography which would take 2-3 years.

Present dilemna:

Once I hook PS3 with HT, what is to be used as source for the amp+speaker combo. Since I am planning to get a deskto in future, so I do not intend to invest big money right now on the stereo system but hope to get a decent output (comparable to PS3). My budget is around 10k.

Intially I thoought about buying a decent DAP such as Cowon Plenue. However, an DAP should be atleast 32GB to satisfy the need. But such DAP is quite costly.

Now my mind is exploring another option:

I am having 2 portable media devices - HTC one X+ with 64 GB and a LG GPad (with 64 GB, i guess). Both this devices can be used as source and linked up with a decent DAC. However, these devices are portable and hence it would not be possible to permenently attach these 2 with any DAC. So DAC should have bluetooth/Wifi etc.

Two of such DACs:

Bluetooth Receiver with optical out and NFC

Bluetooth Music Receiver BM10 | Wireless audio streaming - Sony Smartphones (UK)

So dear FM, what should I do and what should I buy.

Is there a decent budget DAP/DAC fulfilling the stated needs. What is the feedback regarding the sound quality of the aforementioned DACs.
Since you said flacs so be advised that the DACs you have specified have a bottleneck named "Bluetooth" which is currently incapable of transmitting anything above MP3s. The aptx codec is promising yet still short of reaching the FLACs bitrate.

So I would say that try a cheaper option first by installing a music streamer software like Serviio or Plex on any networked PC / laptop of your home and try streaming using your cell phone (bubbleupnp, etc) to PS3
Thanx for pointing out the shortcoming of Bluetooth. Since PS3 would be hooked up with HT so streaming option wouldn't be there. Guess I need to look for enhancing the budget for a decent DAP.
Last time I tried media server (on ubuntu), the streaming was not very fluent. Now that I have got a Win8 laptop, I will try to do the same. Thanx for the suggestion.
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